update in my challenge

  • June 16, 2014, 10:33 a.m.
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  • Public

i'm failing hard at keeping this updated. i had a pretty brutal week not in a bad way, killed it. everything is getting toned up nicely. freak shoulders are starting to happen, going to go heavy on cardio in the later half of the week. the lower stomach need the most attention right now. guess i haven't been pushing it as hard as everything else. i'm also upping my weight that i'm working with. which is pretty awesome. should be some fun coming up in the next month. i'm going to be switching programs as well. looking at switching from p90x3 to p90x1. its going to keep me from plateauing it will also be a good as i've done this workout before. it should be pretty awesome. but the later half of the week is going to be doing t25 with my brother so that should be fun. it will kill me but will be completely awesome.

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