feb 17 in idea barrages

  • Feb. 16, 2022, 10:17 p.m.
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  1. I like to think that an ice pirate would be all like “Unshiver Me Timbers!”

  2. Every Lord Huron song sounds like it is from a late 90s Miramax trailer. Like, it starts with the Huron song and ends with Fisherman by the Waterboys. As you do.

  3. Your Tracy Chapman parody will DEFINITELY be about NASCAR.

  4. The drink involves beer, lemonade and just a little bit of Mom’s spaghetti. It is The Slim Shandy and it is the official drink of the Super Bowl half-time show.

  5. I like to think that you could really freak out wizards who weren’t listening closely, just by talking about your connecting flights. “Oh yeah, I had a lay-over in Baltimore.” Everyone gasps except for the few that flat out faint.

  6. A festival called Confuseapolooza. Definitely involving The Verve, The Verve Pipe, Space and Spacehog.

  7. The popularity of curling in the Utica area seems perplexing until you realize… it’s basically the closest thing to ice bocce this planet has. And “ice bocce” could be the most Utica two-word phrase ever.

  8. A question you can always ask yourself: is it that it aged poorly or is it simply that I aged out of it?

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