some stuff an' some thangs in The Devil Beneath My Feet

  • June 1, 2014, 7:37 a.m.
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I got my hair cut yesterday and i don't like it :C It's shorter than i wanted. But as someone who went to beauty school i'm aware that it's my own fault lol. I told her to take off what's dead, and i knew a good deal of it was dead. So my hair went from being just below my boobs to being just below my shoulders. Also i asked for layers and the layers she gave me are so long they're like not even there, what a turd.

I also got myself some new sandals yesterday, Payless is doing some 50% off sandal sale, couldn't resist. Two new pairs of sandals for like $15! Winnnn.

Also a nail polish because nail polish.

Had a barbecue at Eric's parents house last night, it was nice. Easy, somewhat boring, standard Eric's family gathering. My dad came, which was different, and i think he had a relatively good time. I think next time though, the gathering is gonna be at my house. Eric's family is really nice but shit man they do not know how to throw a party.

What else? Oh, i've been into weird porn lately. That's about all i think for now.

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