New medicines.. in The Devil Beneath My Feet

  • May 25, 2014, 12:49 p.m.
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I almost forgot to write about this, which is kind of strange now that i'm thinking about it because it's kind of huge.

So, i'm ravaged with Psoriasis. Ravaged. It is everywhere. It's from my shoulders to my knuckles on both arms, all over my torso, my back, and down my legs onto my feet. Lets not forget my scalp, and, most recently, MY FACE.

My face is where i draw the fuckin line. Ive had to deal with this nonsense since i was 12, when it first started on my elbows. It's since taken over my entire body and i fucking hate it.

I've never been able to do anything about it though because i never had health insurance. So all i've been able to do is cope, with expensive moisturizers and medicated creams. A lot of those things do work, and work well, but when you're literally covered in it, it doesn't work ANYWHERE NEAR what you need. And when Cortizone cream is $10 for a small tube? Yeah I can't afford that shit.

So, now that i have health insurance, i finally was able to go to the goddamn doctor. She started me on Humira 3 days ago. It's pretty awesome, so far, i mean shit i've only had the starter dose. It's an injection, comes in like an epi-pen kinda deal, so it's pretty easy. Hurts like FUCK ALL but easy. One injection every other week, in alternating thighs. The first dose was 80mg, every dose after is 40. After 3 days i can honestly say, it's nowhere near as inflamed as it usually is. Seriously. It's still very much there, it's glaring at me as i type, and it itches like fuck as usual. But it's definitely less inflamed. Which makes sense, because that starter dose is like a MEGA anti-inflammatory. So it's nice to know that it works, you know? I was hoping to get on Stelara, because it's less injections, but i'll take whatever i can get right now. I'm hoping that by fall i have very little patches, if any.

Omg winter. WINTER!! Ugh, i forgot all about winter. If this medicine really kicks in and works, do you know how nice it's gonna be to not have to totally coat myself in lotion EVERY DAY of winter? People bitch about dry skin in winter. Those people do not have psoriasis. If you have severe plaque psoriasis in winter, life is agonizing. Dry is an understatement. You crack, split, and bleed, just moving your arms, or better yet, you made the mistake of stretching and now the skin between your breasts has split open and is bleeding. Another bra bites the dust. Ugh. Winter is going to be glorious.

Summer i couldn't give less of a shit about. Lol. Sounds backwards, but i sincerely, truly, ultimately hate summer so fucking bad. Ugh it's hot, and sticky, and fuckin hot, and everything's hot, and the air is hot, and ugh fuck it's so hot. haaaate. I'll take winter over summer anyway. Frozen was my biography.

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