Mothers Sick. in Life In The Now.

  • Jan. 10, 2013, 7 p.m.
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Hey all,

Today has been a somewhat stressful day, work wasn't the best and people in general have just been pissing me off, that will be sorted by tomorrow in fairness when the report I've issued to all the managers is read regarding said annoying advisors.

My mother hasn't been well lately, she went for a CT scan last week, she went to the doctors yesterday with her sister to find out the results, it turns out the scan has revealed some fluid on her lung, which is causing a compression on her heart and could lead to heart failure. The other alternative is that it could be cancer.

We'll find out the results of the tests on Monday to hopefully have confirmation, I think I've mixed up some of the days in my head, I only found out 2 hours ago but somewhere in the back of my mind I've had a suspicion that something was seriously wrong since she came back from her holiday in November.

I've no choice but to wait until Monday, right now it's taking all of my will power not to let my guards down but still I won't lie, some water is leaking through the cracks right now.

I have nothing more for the moment sorry.


Last updated May 26, 2014

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