Plot twist. in Since OD is shutting down....

  • March 14, 2021, 1:58 p.m.
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So on the way home from seeing my grandparents, I get a text from my old job wanting me to come back. I said that I would but I only want 4 days a week and about 24 hours. I was told that’s fine and was asked to start on Wednesday but I said I can start on the 24th as my Grampa isn’t doing well and we are making funeral arrangements. I went in and saw him and my heart just broke seeing him propped up in his bed, on oxygen and his mouth staying open. He’s on comfort care due to a stroke and he’s not able to swallow so therefore he can’t eat and his time is coming short. I said hi to him, sat with him in the quiet, read all of his birthday cards outloud that hang on his wall and told him who was in the pictures that sit on his window ledge. I gave him a kiss goodbye through my mask and left.

My Grandma is there too. It’s crazy because her house is literally about 175 feet away and she doesn’t know it due to her dementia. She kinda remembered me but struggled. She held my hand and told me how cute my daughter was. We called when we were heading home and she didn’t even remember us being there. It’s absolutely heartbreaking. It shows me that life is a very precious gift and do not take anyone or anything for granted.

I must change the subject. So my Dad and little brother got into it a few nights ago where my Dad left super pissed and slept in the car. He knows to not ask to spend the night at my house because he’s a fucking weirdo. He literally kept texting my Mom when we were on the road to see my grandparents where my Mom straight up told him to leave her alone. He text me saying he had gone home to which my Mom and little brother were not happy. My Mom tells me that he had taken some money out of the bank account so I told him to go put it back. Like he’s STILL trying to live off my Mom’s money! It’s just crazy how selfish and greedy this motherfucker is!

So, now because of my Dad being creepy or constantly snapping at my daughter I will be putting her back in daycare. I plan for her to go to school this week and some of next week but then back to daycare she goes. I’d rather pay for my peace of mind, sanity, and my daughter’s well being than risk her being around my Dad especially if I’m not there. He has zero fucking patience and I’m not going to have my daughter’s mental wellbeing torn down because he’s a fucking asshole.

It’s just crazy that he’s in his 60’s and still acts like he does. Just extremely high strung, rude, nasty, loud and just throws fits like a fucking 2 year old! I wish my daughter could be with my Mom because she just loves her so much but it’s just too risky. My Mom can always pick her up from daycare and come to my house or see her when I’m not working but I am going to protect my child. It’s really bullshit how one person gets too control everything, essentially and I’m sick of it.

I honestly have so much hate and resentment for my Dad that it’s not even funny. I’m beyond burnt out on the fact that we are all stuck with him because his SS isn’t enough for him to live out on his own and I’m just shocked that he took money out of the bank so it’s like even if he’s not at the house, my Mom is still taking care of him?! Well, none of this paints an extremely pretty picture of marriage to me! I don’t think that the purpose of marrying someone is just so that they get to live off you! Even when they were getting divorced and with getting back together, he doesn’t get it!

Ugh, anyways more later.

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