A Visit to our Daughter and a Seekers Concert in The View from the Terrace

  • May 10, 2014, 5:19 a.m.
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A week last Monday Hubby and I went to Cardiff, first to visit our daughter and in the evening to a concert by The Seekers. The Seekers were my favourite group in the 60s and I have loved and performed their music ever since. It was just the icing on the cake that their Golden Jubilee tour should include a concert in the city where my daughter Cat lives on the day before her birthday.

We hadn't seen Cat since Christmas. She and her boyfriend David were looking very well as was her beautiful Jack Spaniel Bille Jean whose own birthday was that day. So after a cup of tea we gave Billie her presents. We had bought her a duck with rope legs which she seemed to really like. Unfortunately the head came off almost right away. Billie didn't seem to care and she now has 2 toys named Duckhead and Ducksbody I suggested General Ducksbody but not sure if they got the joke - say it out loud.

After the presents we all went out to a beautiful park on the edge of Cardiff with a big lake and a woodland area.

Unfortunately Billie seemed to enjoy chasing the swans and wild geese. Well she is half Springer Spaniel and the birds came to no harm.

Hubby took a lovely photo of Cat with David and Billie Jean but unfortunately managed to cut the top of David's head off!

The Seekers concert was amazing. The energy of the group, all in their early 70s, especially Judith Durham who suffered a stroke last year, was unbelievable. We enjoyed a wonderful evening. It brought back so many memories of when my mum and I used to watch them on TV in the 60s, and when they sang 'Morningtown Ride' I thought of how I used to sing my children to sleep with this song when they were babies. I have loved The Seekers for over 50 years but have only got to see them in concert once before, that was also in Cardiff in 2000, though we did see Judith in her solo diamond tour in 2002. I don't imagine I will ever see them live again.

jamez May 10, 2014

Amazing to hear of a group still together after half a century, I wasn’t so fortunate with my musicians, Cream – Pink Floyd and Simon & Garfunkel all split, the first group I liked were the Yardbirds and they kept going until the late 60’s or early 70’s, I did see them wall after their prim, at the Music Hall in Shrewsbury.

The Who are having a last tour next year, I’ll see how much the tickets are £££££!

A family member has a very tall husband, and he has a life long friend who is rather short, on a country walk they found a road with a very high verge, so the short friend stood on verge with husband still on the road, wife took one photograph getting both pairs of feet in nicely but cut both heads off completely; now treasured and brought out at family gatherings!

I’m happy you enjoyed the Seekers one more time, I nearly got to see Cream a few years ago, a brief one off reunion, the day before Par-in-law had a stroke. I doubt it will happen again as the bass player and drummer don’t get on, bass man likes music very loud and hurts drummers ears; but I hope a few of my groups will make one big effort before sunset!

Sabrina-Belle jamez ⋅ May 14, 2014

The Seekers did split in 1968 but got back together for a reunion tour in 1993 and have stayed together on and off since. I hope you get to see The Who and maybe some others. As you get older you realise that you musn't keep putting things off or it will be too late.

Marg October 28, 2016

Judith Durham has the most amazing voice - I didn't realise she had had a stroke though.

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