Mark of the Beast. This is not a drill. in Current Events

  • Dec. 4, 2020, 10:23 p.m.
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Change my pronouns and call me Elliot Page, I was just looking at Microsoft’s patent for the future use of those nanoparticles that come with these COVID-1984 vaccines and it really is the mark of the beast. For starters, its patent number is 060606. No joke, I’ll share a link to the patent so you can see for yourself that it is real. This vaccine is going to connect us to servers and mine us for data.
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As you can see, it will eventually connect us to cryptocurrency. That currency will be our social credit after the Great Reset. In the near future, we will not be allowed to buy or sell goods & services without it. Sound familiar? Social Credit is awarded to those who are good citizens. We are being enslaved here.

The social credit is not mentioned in the patent but the patent does explain how the cryptocurrency is awarded to the user. That’s right, we’re not citizens after the reset we are users. Transhumanism is here. Social credit is not mentioned in the patent but it is mentioned in the World Economic Forum’s manifesto with China as the model. Bill Gates belongs to this entity. I don’t know about your government but mine is gaslighting Canadians and calling the great reset a conspiracy ever since my Prime Minister was caught telling the UN that this pandemic was their chance to accelerate their pre-pandemic efforts to bring us to the great reset. That plan is to crash the economy to make room for the new currency and new technocracy. However, as you know, I do not have the requisite extra chromosomes one needs to believe anything the Liberal party has to say. The Great Reset is not a conspiracy, they’re not even hiding it. It’s right in front of our polyester covered faces. Check it out for yourself. Our leaders want to Build Back Better to it, It’s right here:

Global Problems need Global Solutions. This entity, the World Economic Forum, is our global bank and it is run by radical eugenicists who want to save the planet from overpopulation. They want to reduce the population and control every aspect of our lives to protect us from ourselves. I’m not joking. They want to achieve this by 2030. This plan was formally known as Agenda 30, Agenda 21 and my personal favourite the New World Order. It’s a communist manifesto, their whole pitch. Equality and Climate Change. It’s right in front of our super-mask covered faces that they want to take over the world and enslave us.

These nanoparticles will also trace and track us, monitor our biochemistry and encrypt data the way our phones do which will then be for purchase. This is big tech and big brother on steroids.

My Critical Conspiracy Theory
Above are the conspiracy facts. I’m going to dip into conspiracy theory territory now because things keep adding up to what my truther friends have been telling me. These also contain conspiracy facts but I am just trying to connect the dots to the conspiracy theories. Of course, do your own research and decide for yourself.

Right now I can step outside and try and melt a ball of snow in my hand with a lighter and it will not melt, it will just burn black. The theory is that these chemtrails contain nanoparticles that collect in our bodies and because nobody is taught how to nutrition properly we do not detox those metals out. Those metals help perform a process called electroporation. In an electrical field, the permeability of our cell membranes increase and that allows for the introduction of chemicals, drugs or DNA into those cells. That electrical field is our wifi. Vaccines introduce materials like MRC-5 into our bodies which are human cell strains sourced from aborted fetuses. They are immortalized, as in they multiply continuously. aka cancer. Stem cells and synthetic DNA are introduced as well. Electroporation helps introduce those materials into our cells and reprogram our DNA. Systemic effects are not studied and they use that lack of study to debunk all anti-vaxxers. That’s how the propaganda defends itself. This is not to say that studies are not done. They are just written off as baseless, conspiracy or debunked. Here is an extensive study that goes into detail about how these vaccines alter our genome. Click Here For That Study. The theory with these vaccines is that they are bioweapons designed to thin the herd. In That Study they discovered that some of those genetic materials (from vaccines) are involved in various cancers and auto-immune diseases. They trip the genetic sequencing to create a genetic code that reads like racecar. Racecar is spelt the same way backward as it is forward so when our body tries to build certain structures it will not know when to stop. It also tricks our immune system into not recognizing our own bodies and that’s how we develop various auto-immune diseases. That’s the gist.

5G plays a sinister role in our future as well. They will have the radiation strong enough to perform the electroporation required for these COVID vaccines. These nanoparticles are not just output, they’re input as well. 5G has the ability to be used as a weapon. The theory is that we are being conditioned to be 2 meters apart so they can target you. The nanoparticles can receive the command to disrupt the SA node resulting in a heart attack. Or shut down the lungs was it? I did not give the 5G conspiracy theories much thought.

The explanation about vaccines that is explained at an eighth-grade level is the one that most people just accept as sufficient. When you hear vaccines work a million times you begin to believe it fundamentally. They do this with climate change as well. We never even notice that we do not have a strong knowledge basis to warrant the level of certainty we possess about a lot of things. We just hear that Trump is racist a million times and your mind accepts it as an indisputable fact. That is how the disinformation defends itself. There is a knowledge deficit about these vaccines in the medical community. You would actually be hard-pressed to find a family doctor that understands the medical literature of the ingredients in these vaccines. The theory with this upcoming COVID vaccine is that it is intended to make their selected populations sterile.

These eugenicists, according to these conspiracy theorists, are participating in a satanist cult that goes back centuries. They believe that they are the pure ones. They were the ones behind the National Socialist Workers Party of Germany, according to these theorists who have a better epistemology than I do regarding this history. After the second world war, this secret society did not disappear. The theory is that they have been working behind the scenes trying to influence all nations to bring them to a New World Order. MK Ultra, the CIA. That’s all them. They ideologically subvert western cultures to collapse democracy. These pure ones have modernized their efforts and the theory is that are using these vaccines to ethnically cleanse the world population. This COVID-1984 vaccine is a culling of deplorables, according to various conspiracy theorists.

The truthers do a better job at explaining and showing the family tree and how every influential figure is related to the families involved in this secret society. For instance, Chrystia Freeland, my Deputy prime minister of Canada is the granddaughter of an actual Nazi from the actual Holocaust. She and Justin Trudeau, my Prime Minister who is the son of Pierre Elliott Trudeau who was committing a genocide of his own against my people during his reign are working with George Soros to Build Back Better. Soros is he who shall not be named in the media. For all intents and purposes, he owns them. His story is one you should research on your own. It’s dark and twisted what he does for a living. alt text

Those conspiracy theories go a lot deeper. This society using MK Ultra techniques to brainwash politicians and celebrities to be able to control their minds. This society is allegedly running pedophile rings, they communicate through symbology and some theorists even say they are consuming children. I don’t know about pedovores but pizzagate does a great epistemology to show how that child trafficking theory actually fits. The CIA does have a set of symbols they discovered to be used by child traffickers. These theorists find those symbols displayed by the most powerful people. My Prime Minister has a foundation that China donates a lot of money to. The spiral triangle is one of those CIA symbols that lets the elites know who has children available. I don’t accept all of these theories at face value because these entities create fringe ones into the pile to complicate the picture. It is odd, however, that this spiral triangle is randomly displayed on the third page of this link at the Trudeau Foundation website. Rumour has it that Trump has an open investigation into Trudeau who was not at home with his wife when this pandemic broke but was wearing an ankle monitor and under surveillance. His wife left him as a result which is why we haven’t seen those two together since. Whatever is happening my PM looks way in over his head these days.

Anyway, the secret society is the rabbit hole stuff. The World Economic Forum is that entity. Their reset agenda is real. The lore behind them? I don’t know. My critical conspiracy theory is not that deep. I see Marxist movements everywhere. Western society is 100% where Yuri Bezmenov said it would be right before we accept a communist government. We are living George Orwell’s 1984 nightmare already. George Soros is the one I suspect is behind this ideological subversion. China is hired to do corporate and political espionage. China is the deep state, the swamp that we all have. China has its own plan to take over the world and I’m not sure how their plan and the WEF plan relate to each other exactly. I do know that China is meant to be the supply chain. Their Belt and Roads Initiative tells me that all roads will lead to China after the reset. They will also supply us with organs. The WEF claims they will be able to grow organs by 2030 in a lab. Right.

My theory is that the WEF delegated the takeover to China, they have been using the Dominion Voting Machines to install their bought politicians. Soros and/or China have big tech, big media, Hollywood and academia in their pockets. They bought the CIA to turn on their own country and they started an information war a long time ago. Trump made us see it when they targeted Michael Flynn. Flynn knows and hates the swamp. Check out The plot Against the President on Amazon. It shows how information laundering works to create an information war. Trump was their disrupter and so their big target. Their original plan, I’m told, was another world war. They settled with a plandemic instead to try and crash our economies and use it as information warfare against the president. It failed. Soros also unleashed his ANTIFA and BLM groups and the fake news convinced the sheeple that Trump is the axis of all evil to deter everyone from voting for Trump. That failed because Trump showed us that the news was fake a long time ago, they can’t control the narrative online. His landslide on election night tripped the Dominion voting algorithm and the results made zero sense. This election exposed every tiny way the election was vulnerable because the Democrats exploited all of it. They got caught. We’re just watching Joe Biden walking around and putting his full weight on his ankle monitor. I do not know if they will get away with it or not. It’s a cluster fuck right now and the legacy media is not feeding their cult any of it. They created a made-up office and keep trying to legitimize that Biden is a president-elect. He’s just not. The media does not call it. The electoral college does and it has not been disputed no matter how hard big tech says otherwise.

Dominion in Canada shares an office with Soros entities and with members of the caucus and Trudeau’s cabinet. It is used all over the western world. The US, Canada and Germany and god know where else. Sweden is another. If your government is saying Build Back Better or is obsessed with Climate Change right now, I doubt your leader is legitimate or not compromised. I know Prince Charles doesn’t need to be elected. China funnelled through a swiss bank to purchase Dominion just before the US election. It’s been operation get Trump out at all costs since 2016. There is no democracy after the rest. I think spring is when it will happen. In my country anyway. Contracts are awarded to a third-party to facilitate our additional 11 COVID camps at the end of March. 36k tons of riot gear is ordered for that time as well. I don’t believe that every politician working with China is part of the secret society. They’re just bought or blackmailed by them to serve their purpose. I think some politicians are aware of this activity in the swamp but are too afraid to stand up to them because of the Clinton Cartel-type figures.

Trump is still in the way and I don’t think all Americans are aware that they are in the middle of a civil war. It’s information warfare for now. We have the Liberals and Conservatives running on two separate sets of information. Whatever happens after that I don’t know. The US dollar is too strong to continue with their plan and Trump will not let it collapse. He will not let his country lose sovereignty to those eco facists. The WEF absolutely needs us half-starved to death and diseased begging for the reset. War was supposed to do that. They are losing the plot with this pandemic. The WEF and Bill Gates predicted that the next pandemic will be hard to ignore. Bill and Melinda Gates even gave a smug smile as they said it. Also, black communities and indigenous communities should get priority of the vaccine they say. The WEF said that the next pandemic will be a cyber pandemic because we’re all working from home and everything is connected more than ever. There is already propaganda in my country foreshadowing a cyber pandemic. My truther friends are telling me that we are actually going to get an alien hoax. An invasion. They said this before the monoliths started popping up. Newsweek is already pushing propaganda about a mysterious object heading toward earth and scientists don’t know what it is. Click Here for that Newsweek article.

People, like in France, are starting to fight back. This is a class war, not a pandemic. The pandemic is the propaganda. The French are burning down the Rothchild banks. They’re doing the revolution right, they’re fighting up and not with each other. It’s an effective way to subdue unrest to turn off the power grids so I see those being turned off. We will be left to fend for ourselves in a way we do not know how to do. I don’t know if that power outage will be direct or if they will blame cyber terrorists or an alien hoax but turning off the grids and powering back up with empty bank accounts is how we will Build Back Better. That’s my prediction. America is doing its own thing right now, that country is not built for communism one bit. Their spirit is a hard one to crush. I don’t think they will be able to slay that one. Maybe the alien hoax will be just for them? They set the stage a few months ago when China said at the UN that America has a serious systemic racism problem and they made it sound like everybody needs to go to war on America to free minorities… lol, right.

Anyway, that’s my bullshit for today. I don’t know what else to do during this house arrest. Restrictions get tighter next week. We’re already Anne Frank. I just get so angry, I lash out online. I’ve been throwing tweets, DMs and E-Mails around at the MPs I trust. I thrash at the ones I don’t. I call the Liberal party out on their propaganda whenever I get the chance. My IQ is just not that of burnt toast. I can see the propaganda. I want to wake up the lions, not the sheep. They can keep worshipping the fear-porn from their cable news cult. I doubt I’m the only one who does this, I can see that I’m not alone. The MPs are responding, slowly but surely. Not directly though. It could just be to throw us a bone. They have to know most of this bullshit right? I am throwing the link to the Microsoft patent around hoping it will land somewhere and do something. I don’t have a big reach online. I don’t know how else to fight. I am begging my sister to not take the vaccine. Ontario is already saying kids can’t go to school without it and nobody will be allowed healthcare… like what? Communist Canada? It’s a .1% mortality rate, it blows my mind that anyone is afraid of a flu virus with an identical mortality rate to a flu virus. The PCR is a joke. Alberta is the last one standing. They didn’t participate in being Chinada. The cable news cult thinks it’s a bad thing because of their fear-porn. They’re making us blame each other instead of the politicans. Wake up to at least that. The real conspiracy that undermines democracy is believing the government cares and that the media would never tell a lie. Ok, ta.

Last updated December 04, 2020

Neogy Titwhistle December 04, 2020

Holy fuck. Read a book or two. Or at least Wikipedia. And who are "they" that want to control the world? Crazy shit always gets smacked back to reality and the crazier the shit the harder the smack. Humans are apes and will always be apes. A nanoparticle with communication abilities with/to something outside the body? Powered by what? I call "against all known physics". It was an amusing read though. Thank you! You're never boring.

TL Neogy Titwhistle ⋅ December 05, 2020

I didn't make the nanoparticles up, it's right in front of your face, it's explained in the patent. Me reading a few books is just not going to change that for you.

Small Town Girl December 05, 2020

I was literally telling my mom earlier today that I was afraid they are going to make the vaccine mandatory and that it sounds like the mark of the beast to me....chilling. If that is indeed the case? We will be raptured out of here soon. SOON.

TL Small Town Girl ⋅ December 05, 2020

lol we'll all be left behind

Small Town Girl TL ⋅ December 05, 2020

Well, he will rapture the believers out beofre we have to take the mark of the beast. Those who are left behind? It's going to suuuuck.

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