Talking Shit in Current Events

  • Sept. 20, 2020, 6:35 a.m.
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Conservatives have the Supreme Court now. The mail-in ballot scam won’t matter. The riots won’t matter, the looting won’t matter. The left doesn’t have the final say. The Trump train won’t stop and the Marxist left is a dead movement walking. I feel 60% less hopeless about the election now. Trump is removing the indoctrination efforts from schools. No more critical race theory. No more Oppression Matrix. No more egregious racism toward Caucasians. No more pinning everyone against each other by race and then exploiting their feelings to get emotion base voters. He signed an executive order called the 1776 commission which is a national commission to promote patriotic education. The left is freaking out, comparing this to Hitler’s youth. Like, people actually think that America is a failed state. Failed states are places where you can’t leave the bridge you live under to scrounge for rat meat because the roads are filled with landmines. America is great. This brainwashing is insane. People are actually afraid to leave their homes because they believe that the police are actively hunting them down. This leads to more resisting arrest and getting shot and this leads to people shooting cops down believing that they are fighting a war. Trump gets it, he sees what is happening and is going after policies that will kill this cancer at the source. Next term, god willing, he fixes the fake news and straightens out big tech for their blatant voter suppression. We need to disable the left from making future textbook subversion efforts. I would like to see education cleaned up in Canada also. Leslyn Lewis has a Parents Rights bill which will give parents a say in what their kids learn. This LGBT curriculum that is coming needs to be halted. Especially if it is anything like the one in California. To put the icing on the cake, we have 4 more Trumps that can run for office and serve two terms each after 45. Just saying. We can keep the Marxist Democrats and Swampy Republicans out of the office for decades if possible. The world is safest when America is strong. Just look at the peace deals! That the MSM won’t talk about.

Speaking of elections, my Prime Minister addressed that Canada will not be having a reelection this year and he blamed the scamdemic. People think that we’re in the middle of a plague, can you believe? He was so giddy just talking about it because he’s lying. Parliament is open on Monday. He’s got a lot to answer for. He’s going to want that majority government. I’m going to campaign hard for O’Toole if we get that reelection. I don’t have a lot of faith in him but Trump changed the game with conservatism and I want someone to bring that here. My provincial government is conservative for the first time in my life, they’re already trying to privatize things and are receiving a sweet beautiful backlash. Privatize everything I say. Shrink the government down so small that I don’t even know its there. I don’t care who squeals. O’Toole even promises to stand up to China. That is major as Trudeau is giving China our jobs, infrastructures and resources to make China great again. I want O’Toole to grow our military to a size like we’ve never seen it before. I’m talking nuclear. We never had to develop a lot in our military because America is our ally. When Germany had concentration camps and tried to take over the world we had America and Britain save us. I would like to see America and Canada save the world from China when that time comes. The biggest threat to China is China and they know it. They’re propagating hard to make sure that their citizens feel smaller than their Communist Party. I want to see a free China. Then a free Russia lol, ambitious much? It takes a huge military effort to reverse subversion. Man, the BLM founders just signed up with a Marxist group that is pro-China. I read a report that also said, the obvious, that China is funding BLM. Of course, nobody knows where that money goes. I mean, we know where it goes. To Actblue, to the Democrats. Can a non impeached Trump uproot these domestic terrorist groups? Blah, and the news is not reporting it but indictments are coming to a Democrat party near you. Ok, I finished my coffee. Time to move on with my day.

Last updated September 20, 2020

analizzato September 20, 2020

Whew!!! Preach!! Spot on. Thanks for reporting. Better journalism that what I can find on an actual news site lol

Seasons September 20, 2020 (edited September 20, 2020)


Thank you for this. Your sentiments are rare on this site.

TL Seasons ⋅ September 20, 2020

Anytime. Enjoy your weekend.

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