keeping at it in my challenge

  • April 4, 2014, 10:25 a.m.
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yesterday i went until i couldn't anymore. my arms pretty much gave up on me. kind of wished i had paced myself a bit better. a bit sore this morning, but nothing terrible. excited about working out later today, i hope i can maintain that excitement. i'm still 7 or 8 hours away from my workout. i think today is cardio, i hate cardio, but i know i can make it through the workout. we will see. skipped the oatmeal this morning and just had grapefruit. kind of wished i had not. we will see what happens. talked to my brother yesterday about how i've been using him as motivation and talked about how we are both super competitive. he agreed that if one of us got shredded, especially me, the other would not let that slide and start trying to one up the other. i want to get shredded and i want him to do the same. i told him that i was looking into supplementing my workout with more than just diet. he's wary about most things, he thought he got too aggressive on creatine. but he was using it everyday. i don't plan on doing creatine at all. but i am paranoid about the side effects of using any additional supplements. however i am doing my homework. i'd rather know if this is a good plan for a cycle or not.

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