I believe i will learn to push past my emotions instead of using food in Weight Loss Surgery

  • Aug. 29, 2020, 5:32 a.m.
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So last night I did not sleep well.

I was feeling all over the place after my mom’s house. I was feeling guilty for being mad at Emma. Guilty for at all exuding any kind of annoyance at her after all she’s going through that she doesn’t even really get!

Also I have a friend who treated me shitty a while back. Made me feel like I was a bad friend. But after a while we got back together and truthfully it was all because I was nosy about her life.

Well her life is that she got the weight loss surgery, she lost 100lbs, she’s got a fiance who obviously makes more than her and they’re buying a house and since it’s down south it’s a Big house and im jealous.

I don’t wish she didn’t have those things, I just wish I did and I don’t know if ask that is gonna happen for me And I just got sad about it.

So I couldn’t sleep. I tried watching TV and it wasn’t enough so I had a piece of cake and 2 bowls of cereal. The heaviness after all that food is what finally made me tired and make my mind show down so I could sleep. But I didn’t sleep a full 8 hours anyway and im up now.

A friend of mine is asking me to trap but of course doesn’t have the address Ann’s wants me to trap 1 specific cat out of a colony of unfixed cats so I’m gonna have to user the drop trap which is just a hassle to set up and im annoyed that people ask me to do these difficult trappings when they KNOW they are difficult.

I like to trap, but chasing specific ones is hard and that’s all ppl are asking me for nowadays and I flat out say I can’t promise that. I feel like ppl aren’t even thankful they’re just like I know you trap do you do it. Trapping is easy, anyone cam do it with time And patience but ppl don’t have patience.

Whatever im Gonna try…

Just annoyed at life right now and it’s only 6 am

Plus I gotta work this weekend cause too much shit there as well

I dunno

Wrong side of the bed I guess

Last updated December 20, 2020

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