SUNDAY & MONDAY in Weight Loss Surgery

  • July 7, 2020, 10:19 a.m.
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Sunday me and Will just lazed around. I really can’t remember what we did. I might of cleaned up a but and did some laundry but nothing big.

Sunday he wanted to order out and I can proudly say I’ve been GOOD all week. I’m down to 281 - my highest weight being 290 - so I wasn’t going to fuck it up. AND I told him I could tell that he lost weight too and I didn’t want him to fuck it up either.

So we ordered from the pita place again. If he just got kabobs it would be great but he keeps getting the pita things and bread is bad for diabetes - but it’s baby steps for him.

SO I got soup and jalapeno poppers - I know they’re not great but it’s better than fries or mozz sticks and I planned on sharing with Will.

The soup was fine - the poppers were… I dunno. They were cripsy and done on the outside but the inside cheese was kinda grainy and weird, I didn’t like it so I only ate one.

After that I got a tummy ache, a lot of gas and some bathroom issues. I really don’t know what it was cause Will tried my soup and ate the rest of the poppers and nothing happened to him.

I got over it with some meds - dunno what it was though.

We kinda got in a little tiff cause the meds have been working for Will, he’s lost weight and his sugar is going down every day that he tests. I dunno how good his eating is cause I can’t watch him. I feel like he’s really tempted by things but he doesn’t give in when I’m around.

Anyway he’s annoyed cause I won’t take the meds. I said to him if we had lost weight like doctors told us to in the first place we wouldn’t need the meds. He didn’t listen to doctors then so why is he on my case now. And he said that when a doc prescribes something, he takes it - and I should too.

But actually preventing the disease before you need meds? I guess that’s not important.


Early in the morning I get a text from the rescue group that the cat I trapped is a lactating mom and they want her returned to where I found her immediately.

The rescue group also contacted the feeder and she swears she didn’t know that cat had any kittens.

Since I’m off I’m ok to go and return the cat, which I do. Put up a video of her freedom run back to her babies.

We have a weigh in with the doc office later this afternoon.

OH I FORGOT TO MENTION - Will got a bill of almost $1000 for the blood work the WLS office required we do before surgery. So Will’s hella mad.

I called my insurance and they said our doc office where we got the blood drawn (not the WLS office) input the request wrong and that’s why we owe. So I called the our doc office and they said they need to see the bill to follow up. So I will bring it to them. Will is still pissed and scared and now has developed a pain or stiffness in his right thigh - he always gets ailments when he’s worried about money or when we have a big fight. His anxiety over financial issues is kinda a big fucking deal.

So I had to deal with that kinda on the drive up.

SO we get weighed in. We both have lost a few pounds. And the lady actually warns us if we lose 15lbs before surgery we’ll get denied. BUT we have diabetes and should lose weight. What the fuck.

I still plan on losing weight and I’m just gonna fill my pockets when I get weighed in. Unless I gain all the weight back I’ve since lost - which is totally feasible.

After the weigh in we go to his parents cause they’re nearby.

ALSO his family STILL needs to do their taxes. Will has to do his taxes WITH THEM cause he’s tied into their house loan. He does it with them every year.

But this year he can’t find last year’s print outs about his taxes.

Anytime anything is lost he is low key blaming me for moving it somewhere and a lot of times I DO move things cause he leaves shit EVERYWHERE. We have a drawer for banking papers and stuff and I think that’s where I would have put it but he couldn’t find it. I dunno IF he put it anywhere but if he would just take care of his own fucking paperwork like a big boy…

So he asks his parents if they have the paper - of course they don’t. His sister shows him some link to print the paperwork at their house but I think her mouse is slow or something so he gets pissed off and then he tries to open it up and print it from his phone but it won’t work.

So he’s huffy.

Also he gets in a tiff with his mom basically because he suggested something, his mom wanted to do it her own way, it didn’t work, they then had t do it the way he suggested and he was mad that his mom treats him like a child and doesn’t listen to his advice.

Tough day for Will.

The BEST news though is now that his mom knows we have diabetes - they don’t know about surgery plans - she has promised to NOT force bad food on us anymore. She will offer, and if we say no she will back off. She promises.

That is like hell freezing over you know. It’s a BIG DEAL.

The me and Will also got in a little tiff because since he said his leg hurt I was asking a million questions about what does it feel like and where exactly does it hurt. He doesn’t like questions. I didn’t even ask if he’s going to have anyone look at it.

Basically I looked it up and it seems like he just strained something. Only if the pain is a numbness is it serious…

Now it’s Tuesday. I went straight to the doc office to give them the bill and then came to work. And now I’m here, all alone.

Last updated December 20, 2020

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