Have you ever in Weight Loss Surgery

  • June 10, 2020, 6:34 a.m.
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had your significant other call to bitch you out over shit you can do nothing about…

yeap that was me at 7am this morning.

So when Will got his yearly check up - earlier in spring - they said he was on the edge of being prediabetic and they gave him till 7/21 to get tested two more time to see if he really was diabetic or not.

Will delays anything he doesn’t want to do. So Will being Will he waited to make that appointment and so today is his appointment. Also, since after we decided to do the weight loss surgery, he was going to do the lab blood work the wls doctor asked for all in one appointment.

Will told his job that he can work the night before, as long as they get him home in time for his 10am doc appointment.

So they give him a two stop run and Will knows he’s cutting in close to get back home in time (but he doesn’t want to go and find out he’s diabetic anyway) so he doesn’t complain or ask for a different load, he takes it.

Now at 7am, I don’t even know where the fuck he is, he’s calling me all mad that he won’t make it to his appointment.

So I’m trying to calm him down saying he has till the end of July to get the diabetes tests done. Just call the office when they’re open and cancel and reschedule.

He’s whining like, I don’t know the number.
Like google isn’t a fucking thing.
So I’m like - I’ll text you the number. But I saym don’t call now - they’re not open and maybe won’t check the messages, wait till 9am when they’re open to speak to them.

And he’s whining that he’ll be driving at 9am.
Number 1 - he’s called me PLENTY OF TIMES while he’s driving.
Number 2 - PULL THE FUCK OVER if you want to

And so I’m basically saying “it’s ok” and he’s like “but I’m mad” - like that’s our circular argument over and over and I’m like I’m sorry you’re mad but this is fixable and you have time and maybe next appointment if your job is giving you a run where it’s gonna cut close the amount of time you need to make it home, you should tell them that you’re not gonna miss another appointment due to them and don’t take the run.

So then he’s like - and I almost hit a moose cause I’m so tired. I know he’s fucking tired cause he didn’t sleep enough yesterday afternoon to be driving all night. And I told him this yesterday.

So I’m like I’m sorry you’re tired and you almost hit a moose but wow you saw a real live moose - I didn’t even know moose were in NJ LOL and so he’s like Bye.

Everything he’s mad about he did to himself. And I’m trying to make him feel better about all his mistakes. And he’s mad at me.

Like what did he want me to do? Be mad? At who? At him - def not. At the world? I guess so. No I’m mad at him. Mad at the job he has, mad that he doesn’t get adequate sleep before his job, and mad that for all my pushing for him to take care of his body, he might have diabetes now. And whatever medicine diabetes takes, he’s not gonna take it routinely. So he’s just gonna kill himself further.

I hope this surgery helps but I’m not actually sure if weigh tloss will help his diabetes. And I know he doesn’t want to go to the doctor and face the music. Hell I could have diabetes myself. I’ll find out later in June when I have my blood test. But if I’ll do I’ll be mad at me, not at him.

So he called at 9 and they were in and able to reschedule is appointment for later today.

So he was all yay about it, and I kinda ribbed him about having some fucking hope that Thing Will Be Fine!

Last updated December 20, 2020

lessoff June 10, 2020

diabetes is one of the number one reasons for that surgery (type 2, type 1 there is nothing they can do to fix that one).

are they running his A1C? that would give a 3 month average. if that number is super elevated then he has it. medicine is just a pill a few times a day. usually. metformin. i took it for fertility issues but hated the side effects (diarrhea) they have no clue why it also works as a fertility drug.

sedentary lessoff ⋅ June 10, 2020

actually he has constipation issues so maybe if he gets on metformin it will help both

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