i'd rather go blind/someone like you. lane. karen a. in 2007: March 1: transferred fom FOD

  • Feb. 15, 2020, 9:13 p.m.
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yes i’d rather go blind by etta james is. a love song but it’s mainly. a song about loss and it still applies ever since i learned about lane’s. death.
maybe i will find someone like him. someone so kind and caring.............so nice. [speak for yourself. yeah well easier said then believed.]. um. maybe we all will. apparently he loved animals and had traveled quite a bit. to chile, paris, alaska.
um. so i have more sad news. my mom’s good friend Karen. who she’s known forever. her mom. d. recently i found out thurs. Karen’s mom. it happened jan. 20th a few days after Lane’s. death. we still don’t know the details. i didn’t know her the mom that well..........and hadn’t seen her a few times but she was such. a nice lady.
so. .........oh............

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