so other things. in 2007: March 1: transferred fom FOD

Revised: 02/16/2020 9:19 p.m.

  • Feb. 16, 2020, 3:45 a.m.
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  • Public

so the past. couple wks. today’s sun. [2:40 a.m. so i mean. nothing’s really happened yet] i haven’t felt great. physically. um last wk. on mon. i got my period it was. i mean it was ok. no it really was it’s just. on tues. at the store i almost passed out. no in the store. yeah i was in the um. seasonal aisle i think. i was rushing and upset and emotional.........and that feeling came over me. i set my groceries down and went outside for a few mins. i’m ok now but god that was scary.
and. um. so last wk. it had been 7 yrs. since my ex & i broke up. i mean i don’t really. miss him or anything i just miss being w/ someone ya know? but relationships take work which i didn’t realise. untill i was w/ him. i thought about him more vividly then i had in a long time and that. was hard.
so then. the wk. before that i didn’t feel. great physically. it might have to do w/ my trash which. i don’t want to get into bc i’m embarassed. but yeah.

Last updated February 16, 2020

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