Humor? in Book Six: Trying to Hold On 2019

  • Aug. 30, 2019, 4:16 p.m.
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Wife and I are walking the dog more, spending more quality time together outside and away from Wife’s TV/Cell Phone distractions, and that is all fairly good. Until and except for when I am reminded of the precarious position I’m in as far as being a “Community Member.”

Wife, Nala, and I were walking along one of the many streets in the small town where we live. We were coming up on a semi-large group of people crowding out the sidewalk but Nala is SO people focused that it is important that we didn’t simply “cross the road to avoid the people” but actually had her calm down so we could walk around them. The “crowd” (maybe 5 or 7 people total) were focusing on a little baby. They briefly turned their attention to Nala (who was doing her half-good-job. Pulling trying to reach the people but still moving forward instead of stopping) and mentioned how pretty she was. We thanked them, and I said she really likes people but we’re worried about her jumping up near the baby, have a good night! You see, as we said “Thank you” I scanned the group. At least one of the people there I’d prosecuted 4 times for Domestic Violence, Criminal Mischief, Harassment, and other crimes. Thus me taking over after “Thank you” to make sure that there was no expectation from anyone that we would “hang out” and let them pet Nala. And that’s one of those things that reminds me of how… odd… the position can be. Yeah, I appreciate folks understanding that the job can be tough. Spending my professional career with victims and trying to navigate a legal system that protects the Defendant’s Rights while ignoring Victim’s Rights certainly can be tough! But I’ve been struggling with that so much lately that I forgot the other part of that coin. That I am “a protector of the community, a member of the community, but apart from the community.” Because especially in a small town… my job impacts everyone. If I have over 800 cases per year (easily) and we assume that each case has ONE new Defendant and ONE new Victim; that is at least 1600 people I impact per year. That isn’t including my boss’ case load, that isn’t including my Juvenile case load, that isn’t even including possible witnesses. That is just Perpetrator/Victim… and even then, that is assuming ONLY ONE perpetrator and ONLY ONE victim; which is not always true. Now, it is foolish to think that all crimes in the county are perpetrated by people in my town… but pretend they are for a moment. That means that each year, 32 percent of my town is involved in my cases per year. Reasonably, it would be more fitting to view it all through County Population Statistics. Which means that each year, 10 percent of my county is involved in my cases. But again… that does not include my Boss’ Cases, My Juvenile Cases, Witnesses… I just realized… I also didn’t include people like my Officers or their families. So if we wrap in officers and families… yeah. My job impacts the community. For some, it may be positive… but even then with the kind of law I specialize in… my involvement in their issue makes me someone they do NOT want to see socially or unexpectedly. I’m the visage of their trauma, especially if we have to go to trial and re-traumatize the individual. For others, I’m the symbol of their oppression or “the injustice of having consequences for your actions.” I’m almost certainly over thinking things here… but it really reminds me what my place in my community is. Kind of a… big neon sign reminding me that if I do find myself single… I really can’t date within this community.

Total Switch In Focus:
If I can get my work done efficiently; I am going to spend some of my afternoon looking through the NOOM Recipes. Noom, for those who don’t know, uses a Color Based System for their Dietary Plan. Green, Yellow, and Red. They maintain that attempting to cut out “all red foods” is unsustainable. Just like trying to develop a diet that includes ONLY Green Foods is unsustainable. So the wisest way of doing things that can help you change dietary habits (and not just “go on a diet”) is to consider things through a percentage. Your diet should consist of 30% Green Category Foods, 45% Yellow Category Foods, and 25% Red Category Foods. As I review my food logs, cutting out Non-Diet Sodas… not eating Gum… and avoiding free doughnuts in the break room… would cut out almost 99% of all of my Red Foods. So… I can get/keep my Red Food intake below 25% with NO worries. HOWEVER… almost everything I eat… everything… is a Yellow Food. I would say my current food breakdown is more 0% Green Foods, 98% Yellow Foods, and 2% Red Foods. Thus I need to go through the Noom Recipes, figure out what I can make, be more intentional with my food (and food choices) and I think that will be a big push forward. After all… it makes sense. I can’t seem to break past 220 but I rarely put on more than five pounds or so. Why? Because I have a diet that maintains my weight… it doesn’t help cut my weight and it doesn’t pack on the additional categories. SO… hopefully, that will be an important part of my Weight Loss Journey.

Total Switch in Focus:
I HAVE NOW FINALLY PLATINUM TROPHY-ED THE ENTIRE BORDERLANDS 2 GAME I woke up last night after about 45 minutes of sleep and just… could NOT get back to sleep. So I went downstairs and ran some grinding and got what I needed. So… thank you, mild Insomnia, for assisting me in my Video Game Trophy Hunt.


because Friday and Why Not?

  1. Do you like blue cheese?
    I’ve not had enough of it to form a strong opinion; but I imagine that my not having had much at this point in my life means I’ve been avoiding it for a reason maybe

  2. Coke or Pepsi?
    Damn difficult actually these days. I prefer the sweetness of Pepsi typically but I’m always surrounded by Coke Fanatics

  3. Do you own a gun?
    I believe that I can say yes to this question now. I’ve owned rifles and shotguns and had them sold or gifted but I think I actually do own a shotgun again. Wife owns three but has never shot them as they are inherited items from her grandfather that need to be repaired, cleaned, and test fired before considering them Firing Shape

  4. What flavor of Kool-Aid?
    Whatever you’ve got available! Though I do prefer the Red Flavors and the Purple Flavors

  5. Hot dogs?
    Yes, actually. I know how awful they are for you and all the production problems… I know. I get it. I still enjoy them.

  6. Favorite TV show?
    HA! Oh, sweets, you just opened up a big ol’ can of worms! I’ll limit the answer to “a handful” so as not to go overboard: Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Angel, Star Trek The Next Generation, Star Trek Deep Space Nine, Farscape, Spin City, Friends, Boy Meets World, Saved by the Bell, Harvey Birdman Attorney at Law, Rick & Morty, the IT Crowd, Doctor Who, Attack on Titan, My Hero Academia, Stein;s Gate, John Oliver Last Week Tonight… I’ll stop now.

  7. Do you believe in ghosts?
    I always skirt this question a bit. Do I believe in the paranormal… yes. Do I believe that something of us exists after death… yes. Do I believe in a multi-verse or multi-dimensional theory of reality and existence… yes. So, as a logical matter, I believe in the possibility of the existence of ghosts.

  8. What do you drink in the morning?
    Water. Or Orange Juice. I’ve tried to avoid the energy drinks and such with the weight loss kick

  9. Can you do a push-up?
    Yes, but I don’t know how many… or how pretty the push up would be

  10. Favorite Jewelry?
    I don’t really wear jewelry. I used to have a claddaugh ring I wore in college but professors would actually be upset with me because they thought it was a wedding ring.

  11. Favorite Hobby?
    Writing, Reading, Conversing, Video Games

  12. Do you have ADD/ADHD?
    No. At least not to my knowledge and not that has ever been diagnosed

  13. Do you wear glasses?
    I do. I sometimes wish I could go back to contact lenses because I felt cuter then but dry eye and the glaucoma concerns… glasses just feel better these days

  14. Favorite cartoon character?
    HONESTLY a really tough one for me. Because of course I would include Anime. So, I have to decide between characters like Gray Fullbuster and Miroku and Saia and Rick Sanchez and Stewie Griffin and Randy Marsh and… nope. Can’t do it. Can’t pick a favorite cartoon character!

  15. Three things you did today?
    I filed a bunch of reports to the court; responded to many e-mails from other attorneys; wrote in Prosebox

  16. Drinks you drink all the time?
    Water (these days, really trying to up my water intake) and Rum and Whiskey

  17. Current worries?
    The ever compounding worries of being a man in love with his wife but aware that his marriage doesn’t fulfill him emotionally or sexually.

  18. Do you believe in magic?
    I’d have to give a similar answer to my Ghost answer. Do I believe in the paranormal… yes. Do I believe that sometimes things happen that defy the typical physical logic we currently posses… yes. Do I believe in a multi-verse or multi-dimensional theory of reality and existence… yes. Do I believe strongly in the Arthur C. Clarke maxim “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.”… yes. So, as a logical matter, I believe in the possibility of the existence of magic from certain potentially contradicting perspectives.

  19. Favorite place to be?
    I don’t really have one, honestly. I’d probably say my mind if answering truthfully. Because I’m referencing my memories (wrapped up cozy as a teenager in bed reading during a rainy day) or my imagination (a beautiful bed and breakfast on the Scottish Moors.)

  20. How did you bring in the New Year?
    I can’t recall. I think we just… stayed in. At home. Doing… nothing much.

  21. Where would you like to visit?
    Fairly long list but I’ll summarize. Dallas-Fort Worth, New York, London, Ireland, Tokyo, Osaka… obviously, I’d like to go back to San Diego, Seattle, Oregon, San Francisco, Bermuda, and Hawaii as well.

  22. Favorite Color?
    Green, Purple, Red, Black

  23. Favorite movies?
    FAR too many to narrow down… I’ll just throw out a few random suggestions… Primer, Bunraku, What Dreams May Come

  24. What’s the last thing that made you laugh?
    Am I a narcissist if I say my own joke… but not because it was funny, because it was terrible and Wife’s reaction to how bad it was made me laugh.

  25. Do you like sleeping on satin sheets?
    I only ever did it after a SHAVE for swim meets… it wasn’t what it is cracked up to be

  26. Can you whistle?
    Kind of. Not like… songs or anything… but kind of

  27. Where are you?
    In my office where I do almost all of my writing these days

  28. Where would you rather be right now?
    Are we talking aaaaaanywhere or do we have to keep it realistic.... because if it was ANYWHERE, I’d have to say Risa… if I had to be a little more realistic, I’d say London… if I had to be VERY realistic I’d say hanging out with friends in Des Moines

  29. Favorite food?
    Mom’s Shrimp Casserole, Dad’s Family Special, or Bacon Wrapped Shrimp

  30. Least favorite chore?
    Anything outdoors, honestly

  31. What’s your greatest asset?
    Tragically, I’d have to say my ability to bull shit

  32. What’s in your pockets?
    Wallet, Keys, Business Card Holder

  33. Last thing that you made?
    Besides paperwork, I’d say… a joke

  34. Favorite animal?
    Wolf, Dog, Horse, Bat

  35. What’s your most recent injury?
    My mosquito bites have been scabbing over, does that count

  36. How many TVs are in your house?
    Four. It is the first time in my adult life that we have more rooms than televisions and I rather like it

  37. Worst pain ever?
    Gosh… either the Testicular Tortion in which I almost lost both testicles or the agonizing overwhelming leg pain that kept me immobile for two months before I started my medical treatment for Chronic Pain.

  38. Do you like to dance?
    I used to absolutely love and adore it. Now my body feels.... well… like the me who loves dancing has put on a large full body costume and I am attempting to dance while wearing a Star Wars Alien outfit

  39. Are your parents still alive?
    Both of them are currently still alive

  40. Do you enjoy camping?
    Perhaps if I tried it again with the right people, maybe I would. However, the majority of my camping experience was with the boy scouts and that was miserable

  41. Favorite genres of music?
    Pretty much all of them. I know everyone writes that and someone asks “What about jazz fusion?” or “You’d hate to listen to yodelling” but I’ve heard every type of music out there and can usually find at least one or two performances/performers that I enjoy

  42. Favorite season?

  43. Favorite horror movie?
    Wife would have a hard time with this one… I’d probably say “Event Horizon” because that movie absolutely terrified me. Only horror movie that left a lasting impression in my nightmares.

  44. Which flavor of ice cream best represents you?
    As a kid I would have said Heavenly Hash because it is a fairly complex flavor. But these days… I’d have to say Ben & Jerry’s Half Baked. NOT because of the name, folks, but because it has chocolate and vanilla ice creams, fudge brownies, and gobs of chocolate chip cookie dough.

  45. Would you rather fight 10 duck-sized horses, or 1 horse-sized duck?
    HA! I always love this question. I will always select the smaller items because kicking and my weapons of choice are much more effective that way.

  46. What comes to mind when you hear the word ‘disinterested’?
    Someone who has no interest in the task before them

  47. Would you rather speak all human languages or speak to animals?
    It is a struggle to say, but I’d go with all human languages. As much as I would love to speak to animals (and there is a way to make money there) the travel, education, friendship, romantic, and business opportunities of knowing all human languages seems vastly more important

  48. How are you feeling today?
    I’m all right. I’m in that weird place where I wish the weekend would hurry up and get here and then never end

  49. Which food makes you gag?
    I’m sure there are many but the one that comes to mind is old stale shit quality coffee

  50. What vice could you never give up?
    I don’t consider it a vice but writing. I tend to think of “vices” as “If society turned against it” because anything can be a vice and either once was or may be. Writing was a vice when it first started as people thought writing things down would kill the Oral Tradition and was less reliable.

  51. Sum up your morning in a single word.

  52. Who do you wish would run for President?
    Ultimately, I think it would be quite interesting to have Anderson Cooper run and become the first Openly Homosexual President

  53. If you were an animal, which animal would you be?
    Either a Wolf or a Golden Eagle… or if mythical creatures count… Enfield

  54. I have a hard time parting with…
    my sense of comfort

  55. What did you hate sharing as a kid?
    My books

  56. What would be the title of your autobiography?
    Over Objections

  57. After being bit by a radioactive duck you suddenly have the power to… fly and communicate with other water fowl

  58. You’re trapped in the last TV show you watched. Where are you, and will you survive?
    Crap… I suppose Working Moms counts since Wife had it on during dinner last night. So nothing would be any different for me except maybe that I’d have a child and a wife with a job, lol

  59. What was your favorite food as a kid?
    Macaroni and Cheese, Pizza, or the foods listed above

  60. Suddenly, you’re a wizard. What’s your new wizard name?
    Cornelius Kirke

  61. You and your friends start a rock band. What are you called?
    Seeking Auryn
    alt text

  62. You’re going on vacation to Mars. What one food do you bring?
    Technically… I’d bring Pizza. Because Pizza can be modified infinitely and if I got to bring all the topping combinations, all of those could become other foods as well.

  63. Is there a TV switched on in the room you’re in?:
    No. There are no televisions in this building to my knowledge… that being said, I could easily be streaming Netflix, Amazon or YouTube here. But I am not presently doing that.

  64. What room are you in anyway?:
    I am in my office on the top floor of a two-story County building that was once the County Hospital

  65. Do you own anything that is special edition?:
    I’m a Comic Book, Video Game, Movie-Loving Nerd… I have special edition art books, special edition DVDs, special edition Merch… yeah, got lots

  66. Mom or mum?:
    Mom because anytime I use a British Slang or pronunciation my brother and mother swoop in to quickly correct me

  67. Do you have any funky bookmarks?:
    Not anymore but I am still using the brochure for our Hawaii Sea Horse Adventure as a book mark in Count Zero

  68. Do you know anyone with a British accent?:
    I have, I do, and I’m certain I will!

  69. Is your pencil case organized?:
    Even when I had one, not at all.

  70. Are you reading any books at the moment?:
    I’m “in the middle of” Count Zero but haven’t read it since coming back from Hawaii. So many books to read… so many DVDs to watch… so many video games to play… and never enough time for even 1% of 1% of 1% of 1% of it.

  71. If so, tell me the plot briefly.:
    Count Zero is Book Two of the Sprawl Trilogy. The Sprawl Trilogy isn’t so much a series of interconnected books where one plot directly feeds into the other; but more a series of books that takes place in a similar world or perspective. Some argue that the Sprawl Trilogy is the birth of modern Cyber Punk

  72. What colour are the walls in your bedroom?:
    White… I think

  73. Do you even use MSN anymore?:
    I don’t. I never had a lot of MSN in any way

  74. When did you last get delivery pizza?:
    Funny story… the only place that delivers in my small town is the Convenience Store!!! But I think it was last month

  75. Drake Bell or Josh Peck?:

  76. When was the last time you had a tick on you?:
    After taking Nala for a walk in July, I saw a tick crawling on her and ripped it off immediately

  77. Do you watch adult swim?:
    Occasionally, but not frequently and never the whole thing

  78. Are you itchy anywhere at the moment?:
    Usually my back and my ankles.

  79. Have you been to the Grand Canyon?:
    I have not, but my parents are sure I’ve been near there

  80. What is your favourite type of donut?:
    Free as in sans payment

  81. Do you know who Matt Gibson is?:
    No, but William Gibson is the author of the aforementioned Sprawl Trilogy

  82. Did you ever watch Pokemon?:
    Not regularly but I’d catch an episode every once in a while when there was nothing else on TV in the morning

  83. Do you get motion sickness?:
    I didn’t used to, but it does happen occasionally now. Luckily, never on a boat!

  84. Who usually makes dinner in your household?:
    Wife makes dinner more often than not; but often that is usually just a Skillet Meal. I’d say it breaks fairly evenly in a 60-40 split as to who makes dinner.

  85. What was the last cafe or bakery you went to?:
    Gosh, I hope I’m wrong but it might be Speilbound a few years back

  86. Can you see out a window from where you’re sitting?:
    Yes, two of them

  87. Do you own any Fatboy Slim albums?:
    I do not, not that I’m opposed to the concept

  88. Do you have a blog?:
    Wonders if prosebox counts as a blog

  89. Do you know what I’m talking about when I say ‘Interstella 5555’?:
    Hells yeah! Come at me with Daft Punk challenges!

  90. Name ALL the colours you’re wearing.:
    Slate Grey, Royal Purple, Lilac, gold, navy blue, peach-orange, black, silver,brown

  91. When was the last time you had wet hair?:
    This morning after a much needed shower

  92. Do you play any sports?:
    I have not in too long. I should get back into something

  93. Are there more females or males in your family?:
    Males were the predominant birth gender for our family for a long time but that has begun to change. Of the next generation, we have 3 Boys and 2 Girls… which is still boy heavy, but the numbers used to be more like 3 boys and 1 girl.

  94. Does your TV have a built in TV guide?:
    Comes with the Cable Package

  95. Have you submitted anything to Urban Dictionary?:
    No, but I tend to use it ALL THE TIME. Working Juvenile Law may keep me up to date on slang!

  96. Do obsessed fans piss you off?:
    Some. There are many different types. The obsessed fan who has to wear the Cubs hat during the game but can’t be facing east if it is an Away Game and every strike out requires a ritual dance.... that dude, I’m okay with. The obsessed fan who spends hours hate-tweeting Kelly Marie Tran… that dude, I’m not okay with.

  97. Did you have a Gameboy? If so, do you still have it?:
    I DID NOT! My first foray into Video Games and Envy and Greed. I did not have a Nintendo, nor a Game Boy, nor a Sega, nor a Game Gear. My parents would instead buy me dozens of those little hand held video games (like the one pictured below) and say it was “the same thing” and that if I wanted a video game system I had to buy it with my own money… at $2 a week allowance. Which is why, if you’re ever wondering, my SNES is so important to me. I saved up for years and years to buy that thing.
    alt text

  98. Is there a playground anywhere near your house?:
    Sort of. If you walk down the bike path a bit, you get to an elementary school and they have a playground

  99. What is something you’re embarrassed to have on your iPod?:
    I own an iPod but don’t use it so… maybe that there is old outdated EDM from Europe in the 1990s?

  100. Tell me a surname which is very common at your school.:
    Smith, obviously.

  101. Do you watch My Family’s Got Guts?:
    Never heard of it, off to google it to see if it is regional. Aaaa. Never saw this. Used to watch the original GUTS program… friggin fell in love with Moira Quirk!!

  102. Go find your iPod or any other music player. Tell me the first 5 songs that come up on shuffle.
    No. You can’t tell me what to do!

  103. Name all the people in the room and what each of them are doing.:
    I am alone

  104. Did you go see the new Karate Kid movie?:

  105. Are you double-jointed?:

  106. Do you ever write lyrics or poems?:
    Even been published a time or two

  107. Are you subscribed to any magazines?:
    Nope, nor Newspapers

  108. Does anyone in your family snore loudly?:
    My father but I snore the loudest

  109. Do you have a facial expression you seem to pull a lot? What is it?
    The Professional Smile

  110. Do you always listen to music when you’re online? If so, what are you currently listening to?
    I listen to music often but less so when I’m at work

  111. When you can’t sleep, what do you do?
    Watch TV, play video games, drink, wank

  112. Did you like the last book you read? What was it about?
    I did, it was Part One of the Sprawl Trilogy and was about AI and the nature of life in a world with AI

  113. Do you prefer things (Movies, books, etc) that scare you or make you laugh?
    Far prefer laughter; reality is scary enough

  114. Have you ever rubbed your eyes so much you couldn’t see for a while?
    I would assume most have done this, yes?

  115. Do you like people more or less when they have similar tastes to you? Why?
    More, because I am at quite a loss when I don’t have anything to contribute to a conversation and I’ve found people frequently don’t care to have a conversation with someone with vastly dissimilar tastes.

  116. Do you ever forget how to do really simple things? Like what?
    Too often to mention

  117. What would you change about your current physical appearance if you could?
    I would return to my appearance circa 2002

  118. Were you born with naturally straight teeth?
    More or less but my over/under bite needed significant correction

  119. Do you pull faces at yourself when you look in the mirror?

  120. Do you try not to take a lot of medicine or do you take it whenever?
    I’m on a daily pill but if we’re talking like Tylenol then no. Before I was medicated, I was taking like 8 or 9 as a normal dose, though.

  121. Do you prefer acoustic or studio versions of songs?
    Depends on the artist’s intent. Sometimes what was written as an acoustic is first released as a studio version because of the Label.

  122. Do you quote movies often? Any ones in particular?

  123. If you were the opposite gender, what name would you like to be called?
    Molly or Melissa or Fiona or Talia

  124. Do you like the sound of your computer’s keyboard typing?
    I used to but these days, it makes me a little paranoid… like do I type too loudly? Too much?

  125. If you had to make a superhero secret base somewhere, where would it go?
    Subterranean, secret access via House

  126. Do you prefer original or sour Skittles?
    Either way

  127. What about chocolate or peanut M&M’s?

  128. Your favourite band: Do you prefer their old or new stuff?
    311: I like both but prefer the older stuff
    Weird Al: I like both but both his older stuff and newer stuff can be hit or miss

126.Do you check to make sure your ear phones are going in the right ear?
Yes, I do.

  1. What pattern was on the last pair of socks you wore?
    This is the only pair of black socks I own with a pattern and the pattern is like.... colored heat lines, you could call it

  2. Would you rather have a big house or a big garden?
    If I had to select, I’d say big house. A big yard would be GREAT for the dog but with a big enough house you could make some good running space for the dog inside and not have to worry about the elements and upkeep as much.

  3. Are fireworks illegal to buy where you live?
    It’s in a weird limbo where they are legal kind of which is Iowa’s new favorite way to write laws

  4. When was the last time you felt dizzy?
    This week, I think

  5. Do you have a crush on anyone who’s unattainable? Why are they?
    Yes. Distance, Standards, and I’m married

  6. Can you talk and work at the same time?
    Almost as easily as blinking depending on the talking or the working

  7. Do you care more about yourself or more about others?
    Others to a fault; I could be sitting in a toxic waste area but if doing so helped someone else, I’d keep it up

  8. Do you find it easy to pass the time or do you get really bored?
    I get bored when there’s nothing available to pass the time

  9. Do you like going to museums? Any particular type?
    Some, but not all of them. I prefer Hands On museums

  10. Is there anyone you don’t think you’ll ever get over? Who?
    I think everyone leaves a little wound and a little hope. Everyone in our life impacts us and we hold them in our hearts and our memories always

  11. Are you ever scared of people reading your survey answers?
    If I was afraid of it, I wouldn’t make it public.

  12. What time do you usually go to bed at on weekends?
    Between 11 and 1

  13. Does any part of you itch right now?
    Haven’t I already answered this exact question (75)?!

  14. How often do you re-watch / re-read things or are you more ‘once only’?
    I often re-watch or re-read or re-play IF I get the chance but I rarely do anymore

  15. What time is it right now?
    4:11 p.m.

  16. Should you be doing something else instead of this? What?
    Always and Never. There is always something else I could be doing but I want my work day to be finished for today

  17. What colour are your eyes? Do you like them?
    Brown… meh, they’re okay

  18. What colour ink do you prefer writing in?

  19. What is your favourite kind of take-away to order?

  20. What is your favourite joke?
    What weapon can you make from potassium, nickle, and iron? A KNiFe

  21. When was the last time you met someone who shared your first name?
    On a bloody regular basis. How ‘bout first AND Last names

  22. Have you inherited any garments from your parents or grandparents?

  23. When was the last time you took a picture? What was it of?
    I took a picture of the dog recently

  24. Do you ever watch movies with the subtitles on just for fun?
    Often, not as often as I once did but still very frequently

  25. Do you tend to call people by their birth name or a nickname?
    I call them what they tell me they prefer to be called.

  26. When was the last time you visited the doctor? Why did you go?
    Recently, to get my pain pills re-upped

  27. Do you ever wear shoes even though they hurt your feet?
    Sometimes, if the occasion calls for it

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BAH! Depositions sucked.
To DV Advocates Who Rail Against Prosecutors: Trust me. I do care about the victims. I really do. If I had it my way, every Domestic Violence Charge would end in a MINIMUM of In Patient Treatment for Anger Issues and Conflict Management. But there are some cases that fall apart where I have no power to change that.
Example: Police report states that Defendant struck Victim several times in the face. Defendant is claiming self-defense because Victim attacked him first. Victim refuses to testify. THERE ISN’T MUCH WE CAN DO.
Here’s where that gets REALLY tricky. Say the victim won’t testify because she’s “so deeply in love” with the Defendant. But she won’t talk to us because she doesn’t want the defendant in trouble. VERSUS Say the victim won’t testify because she’s “so deeply afraid” of the Defendant. But she won’t talk to us because she doesn’t want the defendant to find out about it. THERE IS NO WAY TO KNOW THE DIFFERENCE ON MY SIDE OF THE LAW. So… I have to make these hard decisions.

First Time Domestic Assault. Defendant comes across like an angry and controlling guy. What was the Victim’s demeanor when officers arrived?!?!?!?! Was she demure and timid, was she aggressive, was she afraid, was she non-cooperative… what kind of read did you get?

That’s why… I mean… I get why the public reacts to DV Cases the way they do. And there are some attorneys who don’t give enough of a shit… some attorneys that will use the “Good Old Boys” statement of “He’s a good guy just letting off some steam” or some shit. So I understand the huge push against Prosecutors that “don’t do enough about domestic violence.” But honestly… genuinely… sincerely… the truth of the matter is… agonizing. I don’t want to fight the public and advocates who tell me “DO MORE” while fighting Defendants who are saying “You can’t prove shit!” while fighting Victims who are saying “I’ll never testify and you don’t know why!”

Foofah August 30, 2019

Have you tried intermittent fasting to try to get past the plateau. I have heard it works amazing. Keep track of your protein intake as well and if you're able to cut out alcohol that should help as well. Are you measuring yourself too? I haven't lost lbs on the scale in a long time but I am consistently still losing inches.

Park Row Fallout Foofah ⋅ September 03, 2019

Funny unfortunate thing is that my typical eating style could easily be described as Intermittent Fasting. One of the reasons why a more "intentional" diet concept is better for me I think, lol

woman in the moon August 30, 2019

I've been watching stupid you tubes. About movie stars mainly. Debbie Reynolds talked about having Mike Todd and Liz Taylor over for a meal. They would get in physical fights - slug each other - and then go upstairs to have sex or get in the pool and do it. Debbie did not call the cops but she was ….. damn I cannot think of the right word.
Now.... damaging Elizabeth Taylor's looks would not be a good thing to do. So they must have been careful.

Purple Dawn August 30, 2019

stole it, I like surveys :)

AppleGirl August 31, 2019

What about Pete Buttigieg? If he wins the Dem nomination, he’ll be the first openly gay candidate! I am super for Pete!!

Brodie 💗 September 01, 2019

With all of your cases, it’s amazing you even remembered those people!!

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