vertigo. and myoclonus. and eczema. in 2007: March 1: transferred fom FOD

Revised: 08/27/2019 9:30 p.m.

  • Aug. 27, 2019, 9:29 p.m.
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while i’m going on about my various medical issues. [well. ok not ‘going on about’ that makes it sound like i’m rambling. ok well now i am. talking about them. er. writing. w/e.]. yall remember back a few wks./months ago when i had vertigo really bad? well if people don’t i did. it was awful. [well. not like vertigo is a good, thing to have exactly.]. anyway that’s gone away. thank god. i still have it a little. but i’ve learned that when bending down to pick something up/dig through my purse. to not look down as that causes it. oh and when i had it really bad i did. the vertigo thing. only. that stopped working after awhile so. and by ‘the vertigo thing’ what i mean is. a person gets into the headstand position but doesn’t actually do one. and then turns their head to one side and then the other. i know it sounds like the last thing someone wants to do when they have vertigo. but swear to god it works. but.............then like i said. it stopped working so. i stopped doing it.
so the past couple wks. and this has happened before. well 1. i have myclonus. i’ve had it since i was 10, or so. which means. that at times i randomly shiver. usually it doesn’t bother me too much. over time it’s become less so. um. i wasn’t as aware. of it before my concussion [jan. 2018] but then. yeah. anyway. so. the past couple wks. a few days when i’ve woken up i’ve randomly shivered a few times. and that gets pretty damn annoying. cause it’s not just once or twice. and even when. i’m on the bus or at starbucks it’ll happen. i’ll randomly shiver more then 2 times. like omygod. it’s a lot more vexing when i’m lying down of course.
as for eczema. well i still don’t feel great of course. just a general feeling of unwellness. but i think the stuff i got from the dollar store yesterday is helping. clear it up. [well i should hope so.]. and i even read the reviews which is. i don’t usually do that. cause i’d rather make up my own mind about the movie/tv show/other. vs. hearing a movie’s bad and then not seeing it bc of that. whereas if i see it w/o knowing that then. well as said. um. oh. right i also got monster vaseline. from the store yesterday. [ok now that makes it sound like it’s vaseline for monsters.]. and i realise ‘vaseline’ is a brand. petroleum jelly is the actual thing. no well i had. the 3 oz. vaseline but i’ve used up most of it. to help w/ you know. the itching of eczema. and yesterday i’m like ‘i should probably get more’. vaseline i mean not. the other thing obvs. no i do not want more eczema thank you. [well. i don’t think anyone wants it. god no.]. um yeah so i got the 13 oz. well either way i have more.
my eating’s been. the same. i ate a lot yesterday. as i do on mon. which is currently my day to go to the store. i um. i had pasta salad. outside the store. and um. pasta later. w/ sauce and garlic. in between i had. doritos. when i got back cherries. and potato chips. [yes i realise chips aren’t that good for a person. but i usually eat fairly well even if i don’t eat a lot. at times. so it evens out.]. like i said i haven’t been thirsty but i mean. i suppose that’s normal when someone’s not feeling well. i had more water then usual yesterday. 3 cups of lemon water 2 of vitaminwater. and tea........i had tea. oh over the weekend on sat. i think it was. my beverage consumption hasn’t changed. despite that i haven’t wanted much.
um. think that’s it. well for now.

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