2rd in Hey, buddy, got a light?

  • March 2, 2014, 7:54 p.m.
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Well, I'm not all peachy sunshine handy dandy diego the explorer, but I'm still alive. Those incidents always pass pretty quickly..in an hour or two my mom had fixed some mac n cheese and all the unpleasantness was just swept under the rug. Still has to happen though, not anytime soon..I mean I'm supposed to get my 401K from winco next february..and..well thats about the only thing I'm looking forward to. Won't be able to make it to my sisters wedding in Hawaii though, costs too damn much. She did not take that well. I think about what it means to be a brother sometimes and I think man, I must be a momentous monumental grand fucking poobah of a failure in that field. I've borrowed money from them, I bothered the living snot out of them growing up and they had to weather my passive mood swings all through my adolescence. Some part of me thinks I'm a good brother just because I'm there, because I'm breathing and for some reason my existence makes them happy, but deep down I know I'm a fuck up a son and a brother.

alrighty, enough happy feels for right now

Deleted user March 03, 2014

my brother used to take money from me, he stole my bike and he beat me up; as long as you didn't beat up your family, you were a better brother than mine!

Deleted user March 04, 2014

Stop that nonsense Ricardo. IN OTHER NEWS!! George Lopez has a new show coming out called Saint George or something like that. It's on Thursday I think. I got if set on my DVR

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