Doing what you can in The View from the Terrace

  • Feb. 19, 2014, 5:48 a.m.
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I love this story, it reminds me of something I read that Mother Teresa said - 'If you can't feed 100 people then feed one.' Making a difference is all about doing what you can.

Sometimes I get quite down as I can't do a lot because of my health. I suffer with frequent migraine and, although I am lucky in that I have medication that takes away the pain and the nausea, it wipes me out for the rest of the day. It affects my concentration and coordination and most importantly for me my ability to write. I just can't write when I have taken these meds, but then I don't feel much like writing if I have a severe migraine either so I take them.

They also prevent me from driving as they affect my reactions and slow me down so I miss social events and often let people down.

I hate the fact that I can do so little but when I read this I realise that what is important is to do what you can. I can still be there for my family, I manage to do my voluntary job on a crisis line as my husband can drive me there and it is not physically taxing, and on good day I can write and do my garden and sometimes even get to folk clubs where I love to sing and play guitar.

I do what I can for others and for myself and that is all anyone can do.

Marg October 28, 2016

I have just started to read your diary from the beginning and just wanted to say I wholeheartedly agree with this! (Don't worry - I'll try and refrain from leaving loads of notes on old entries :) )

Sabrina-Belle Marg ⋅ October 28, 2016

Please leave as many notes as you wish, I love reading notes. When they are on old entries I go back and re-read them, some of them I have completely forgotten writing!

Marg Sabrina-Belle ⋅ October 28, 2016

I do try to curb my enthusiasm a little bit because it is frustrating when someone asks about something and it's actually been answered in a later entry and if they had just read on they'd have seen that .... but the odd little comment may very well appear from time to time ...... :D

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