NoJoMo #10 in Surveys

  • Nov. 10, 2018, 9:59 p.m.
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11/10 - If you could meet any fictional character, who would it be?

Haha, the first character that came to my mind was Xandir from Drawn Together, although he is a take-off of Link from Zelda, and I think we all know why I’d love to ‘meet’ either of those two :P Maybe He-Man might be a close second - or maybe Tarzan, although he’d probably smell like monkey. Let’s go Superman to be safe.

Other than that, I could cause some controversy and say I’d like to meet Jesus. You know, just to ask him what the meaning of life is, or maybe why he gave my sister cancer. You know, the simple questions :) Man, whoever wrote that book sure had an imagination on them :D

10) Do you get up right away when your alarm goes off or do you hit the snooze button?

Bahaha, well if we’re going on this morning’s reaction, I’m amazed I made it to work on time at all. I must’ve hit snooze like 5 or 6 times, before deciding if I hit snooze once more, I’d pay for it, and I tore myself out of bed, somehow, in a complete zombie-state. It gets harder and harder as I get older and older, and I watched one too many episodes of ‘Shameless’ last night and didn’t give myself enough sleep. Doh. Oh well, at least it made me laugh my arse off.

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