Having an education in the US , especially if it's just a BS or BA is no assurance that you will earn more than $30,000 a year ( if you can even get a job) plus you will also probably have significant school loans to pay back (often) . If you only have a HS education , you will only earn minimum wage , again if you can even get a job . While you are in school to get a higher education ( which may or may not help you ) you have to support yourself so you will probably have two minimum wage jobs to be able to do that and try to go to school. There are practically no trade or manufacturing jobs to be had here so it's the service industry most people are forced into or retail ( which pays nothing either). You are most likely to get employment if you are a nurse, doctor, teacher, engineer etc... Earning an adequate (or better )income in the states is not easy any more , or anything a person can count on . If you get a good job, you are fortunate .