Germy McGerm-germ in Stuff

  • Dec. 9, 2016, 12:39 a.m.
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I almost wasn’t going to go into work today. I’m a bit sick, and I know exactly why. Well, at least I think I do. I think it was from going between extreme heat outside in Darwin to into my hotel room’s air-conditioning. I didn’t do it constantly but the heat got so much at times that I’d just go back to the hotel to cool down, then I’d go out again when the sun went down, but even then, it was still 30ish degrees outside. And they hotel says not to turn the aircon off, so it was going constantly, and I couldn’t adjust it higher than 25 or lower than 22. So there was always roughly an 8 to 10 degree difference between outside and inside.

So now that I’m back in Brisbane, I have this horrible cough that I’m having trouble shaking. I also have a big pain in my right chest, as though I ran into something hard or something. Whenever I try to breathe in deep, I get a sharp pain. When I lay on my side and do the same thing, there is no pain, so it makes me think it must be muscular pain and I’ve hurt it somewhere along the line.
I could also by coughing from some germy person who was on the flight back with me, but I’m pretty sure I felt this coming on whilst I was still in Darwin.
I also got bitten by an army of mosquitoes up there, as they recognize the fresh tourist-blood and gorge on a feast, so who knows what lovely diseases those bastard vampires decided to give to me whilst I was up there. Must goodle ‘Ross River’, “Dengue’ and ‘Zika’ after I finish this entry. You know, to make myself paranoid.

I’m hoping that I can adjust to Brisbane’s weather again and get back to normal. Not being able to shake this itch in my throat is really annoying me. I didn’t blow anyone up there, so I know it’s not that. Just this uncomfortable, kinda sick feeling. I had some chicken soup last night but not sure if that did anything. I really dunno how I got through that shift, but there was a lot to do, as per usual. My manager comes up to me and says ‘You’re not allowed any more annual leave’ and I was like, ‘What? Why?’ and he said apparently they were screwed.
This happens every single time. Even with me giving them a MONTH’S notice, they manage to go ahead and fuck it up. Apparently the guy who was meant to replace me was delegated to do other less important things lol. Geeeesh.
I then told him that my family’s Christmas party is coming up on the 17th, but that I didn’t really want to go to it anyway. Dad has put a gigantic pink elephant in the room each time I go out there and no-one has the balls to even mention anything to do with the ‘lifestyle’ I live. It’s quite comical, really.

I ran into my old nightfill manager when I was coming back from my lunchbreak today. At first I thought it was just an annoying customer getting in my way haha, as I was going upstairs and he was going down, so I didn’t see who he was, but when I looked back and saw it was him, it was a nice surprise! So we chatted on the stairs for a while.
He said he’s still at the airport for a few more weeks but then he’s going to South Bank. I said “South Bank?” and he’s like, “Yeah, new store.”
I had no idea they were even opening one there! I’d always thought that they needed one there though.
Anyway, so then he throws me a bombshell by telling me that he’s nominated ME to be the Inventory Manager there, since he will be the Longlife Manager. Holy crap! I’d assume that I’d still have to apply for it and such, and he said there’s no guarantee that I’ll get it, but I thought it was incredibly nice of him to remember how good of a worker I am, even though I last worked with him well over a year ago now, probably even 18 months. So yeah, that was a bit eye-opening. I had no idea a store was even opening. I don’t think they poach staff from other stores, I don’t think that’s the HR way, but if he’s spoken to the HR manager, I might get an email, I never know.
I don’t even know if I want management though. I’ve done it before and it’s shit. The meetings and Area Manager coming in all the time would really get to me, when I’d just want to be getting the job I’m paid to do done, plus I know I’d be doing too much overtime. Once you do management in the company I work for, you can pretty much kiss your life goodbye lol.
Plus I’m so used to my lovely 30-hour, 4 day a week roster which I’ve been doing the past 2.5 years. How would I ever give that up and go to working probably double?
Anyway, jumping to conclusions. I only just found out about it.

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