I'm allowed to be bitter in Stuff

  • Sept. 12, 2016, 6:06 p.m.
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I was all set to go to bed on Saturday night when I got a text from Moe asking if I was still awake. It was around 11:30pm and I was, needing to be at work by 9:30pm, I decided to not be boring as hell and I went and met up with him.
except I took a few side streets around to where he was in the mall, so it took me longer, all because I didn’t want to bother having to walk between the scores of drunkards stumbling their way around, namely the backpackers which I always have to walk past to get anywhere.
I’m definitely getting old when I’m mentally conscious of avoiding the drunk youngin’s lol. Geeeez, when did I become so boring?
Anyway, the streets were really quiet since I’d avoided the bars on the route there, and Moe was at Hungry Jacks (Burger King in the U.S, so I’ve heard) and he saw me and we gave each other a hug. We just went to Pie Face to grab a coffee since they were one of the few places open doing coffee and we just sat in there in a small space and chatted a bit, then we went for a walk up to the new uni accommodation where we sat and chatted some more. He was starting work at 2:30am, so it was on the way. Crazy that he’s now doing somewhat similar hours to what I used to do at the servo. Man, I do not miss those days.
I walked with him to his work when it was near time for him to start and I went home and went to work the next morning. He pretty much works across the road from me, and it’s crazy to think he still would have been there for his final hour of his shift when I’d started mine after a night’s sleep.

Brisbane Pride is this weekend, and I’m thankful I’ve taken the day off work for it. They are charging bloody $25 entry this year. MAN. You’d think for a country that has yet to legalize gay marriage that they wouldn’t be so extortionate on the admission price for a family-friendly event but yet here we are. I guess this isn’t the early 2000’s anymore where admission to these events was a gold coin donation haha. I also remember when Brisbane’s public transport didn’t cost an arm and a leg. It actually makes me laugh that my city’s slogan is ‘Australia’s New World City’ when there is so much basic shit that totally prevents it from ever being so. Christ, get your act together local and state governments!

Speaking of, our federal opposition party has (yet again) today introduced two new bills into parliament to (yet again) try and get same-sex marriage introduced (yet again).
Meanwhile we’ve got fuckhead politicians (not naming any names COUGH George Christenson COUGH Cory Bernadi COUGH, excuse me, must have something in my throat other than what I usually do) demading funding for the ‘No’-campaign for the proposed $160 Million Plebiscite.
These....people.... no, I can’t even call them people. They are parasites. I’m actually ashamed to have had anything to have ever having been religious growing up. Utterly ashamed that I was raised that way believing all the absolute bullshit, and THIS is the way people who are suppose to care about others and promote peace and “God’s will” treat other human beings. It makes me physically sick to the stomach.
Bill Shorten introduced one of the bills today and in his speech said, “If even one teenager commits suicide over this Plebiscite, then one suicide is too many,” (or something along those lines). And people promoting the ‘No’ campaign are basically handing them the fucking knife..
I wish they’d turn the handle around and plunge it deep into their cold, dead hearts.
It’s like Margaret Cho said at her gig last Thursday, “How are you letting New Zealand fuck you like that?” (They’ve had same-sex marriage for over 3 years now).

It was Father’s Day last weekend, and my dad’s birthday the week before that. As with every year, I was conscious of both events, but ignored him on both occasions. The hate I have for his actions will always be there I’m pretty sure, but I’ve come to accept he will never change and that’s just the way the cards have fallen. I will never acknowledge any special event in his life until he acknowledges the basic human rights of mine.
I know he is one of the George Christenson’s or Cory Bernadi’s of the public and I know he will be one of the 20% of people who will vote ‘No’ when the Plebiscite actually finally comes around.
There’s a lot of pressure on for our government to just drop it, save the $160M and just do their damn jobs and vote on it, but there’s still a lot of unnecessary hate out there in various circles that I will never understand.

This satire article made me laugh today. Reading it, I was basically going ‘yep, yep, yep’. John Howard (our PM during the mid 90’s) was bitching that people who are against same-ex marriage are automatically labeled as ‘homophobic’.
If we’re going by my own father’s reasoning for being against it, “gays are no different to paedophiles and murderers.”
I know I’ve written about this many times before, but it’s still very vivid in my mind - I still remember when I was like 13 years old and dad flicking channels on the TV to the ABC and the Mardi Gras was on. His words were haunting,
“…should throw them all in a room and blow them all up.”
Me, still a kid, sitting there being fascinated by all the colourful characters and the smiles on all the people’s faces marching, the crowd waving flags, cheering. I literally could not understand why he’d just said that.
I mean, I sure as hell didn’t know I was gay then like I did a few years later, but I do remember being confused as hell at his statement and thinking, “Why? What have they done to you?”
I’ll never know. All I can deduct it down to is the church’s stance on it.
I need to let it go, I know that. And I mostly have in the way that I’ve come to accept that’s the way things are and always will be. I know that either one of us will be at each others funeral and nothing will have changed or have been spoken about. It makes me sad that I know that’s the way this will play out. It makes me sad that my dad clearly have never had a gay or lesbian friend in his entire life. He would automatically write them off as ‘not normal’ and distance himself. So when I came out as gay 14 years ago, I think it really threw a spanner in his bible-coated life.

And that’s just one person’s opinion. There’s at least another 20% (maybe more) who have their fucked-up mentality and reasons (Ha, aren’t I nice to homophobes?) for wanting to deny happiness to other completely normal human beings. I’m allowed to be bitter about this. I am one of those human’s that the rest of the country gets to give their opinion on, whenever the hell that may be. I can’t for the life of me think of any reason, even if I had turned out to be straight. Which, for me, wasn’t the hand I was dealt either. But I am thankful that I personally feel like I am absolutely nothing like, nor will ever be, anything like my dad.

I am however, very thankful that MOST Australian’s have a good head on their shoulders and don’t feel attacked or threatened by the potential gay rainbow on the horizon. It’s inevitable. I know that. Our government can’t keep avoiding and putting this off forever. I’ve been to that many Pride marches and Mardi gras and Gay marriage rallies now that this is way beyond a joke anymore. Way, way WAY over it. I was wanting gay marriage back in the mid-90’s, when I was a teenager, going through all those isolated feelings growing up in a rural area being raised religious as fuck. How the hell I made it through those times is a damn miracle in itself.

Now I have to listen to grown adult MP’s acting like children. Fucks sake.

I have to decide what to wear to Pride :)

Last updated September 12, 2016

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