Unclex6 in Stuff
- July 12, 2016, 11:30 a.m.
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So it appears that I’m an uncle again.
The stupid thing is, I didn’t even really care. I saw the Facebook post (basically the only way myself and any of my siblings seem to one-way-communicate) of my little brother’s newborn, and I was like, ‘Meh’.
I’m like the Christmas Grinch, but against children.
Not really. Some kids I love. Like the little girl at work who finds me to come up and hug my leg because she’s so short and tells me about her day lol. Then there’s the screaming demon from hell that I want to throttle Homer-Simpson-To-Bart-style. So yeah, love-hate relationship with kids I suppose. I just know the screaming troublesome kids aren’t as cute and innocent as they have us believe. Chuck a tantrum, get what they want. It’s probably good that I’m the only child in my family to not have kids, because I’d sure make an interesting dad LOL. Might have child services on the doorstep :P I’d like to think I’d raise the kid not to be a little shit, but hey I have no idea about parenthood and the curveballs it throws, other than what I read from the lovely mother’s here.
And of course, all the extended family are like, “Oooo so cute, adorable, congratulations…” etc etc. It seems to be the only time people are interested in anyone’s life. You’ve either gotta be creating life, being born, getting married, posting a photo of an engagement ring, graduating, getting a promotion, or dying.
Otherwise, no ‘likes’. Who cares about the 10-selfie you took at the beach?
And I’m sitting here like, “Meh, it’s a baby.”
My sister has one child, my older bro has three and now my little bro has 2. What, am I meant to go and pop out 4 now to keep up the numbers game? :P
It’s interesting being gay seeing all my siblings married and creating families, and I’m having all this sex with no procreation. Dad tried to use that against me (being gay) once by referring to a family photo and saying something along the lines of, “I created all that.”
Good on you. You be proud old man. You’re still an asshole.
I’m sure I’ll have to go meet it sometime. Is that rude to refer to the baby as ‘it’? LOL. I know it’s a boy.
And they’ll want me to hold it, just like I did their first child (see pic below).
Look, here’s proof of how much experience I have holding babies LOL.
I remember my homophobic cousin was like, “It’s not a bag of potatoes, Matt!”
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