Crossing off the list with pics in blackpropaganda

Revised: 10/20/2015 9:50 p.m.

  • Oct. 20, 2015, 9:34 p.m.
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  • Public

On Sunday SW… suggested we both write down lists of what we had to do this week. SW… is big on lists, always has been, whereas I try to keep it is my head. As I get older that is not working - and so I started my list.
Go to doctor for appointment, get hair cut, phone heating man, bank my £25 Premium Bond prize, get a new clock battery, sort out how to send a framed picture by post, send picture when sorted, go to dental appointment..
This morning all of these were done - although the heating engineer isn’t answering his mobile at the moment - but I am sure he will ring me back.

EDIT - 20 minutes later - he rang me back!

So it has been mundane task time - but still there is a great satisfaction about crossing things off a list!. Best thing was calling in to the hairdessers I go to and finding out I could have a haircut at once! Tuesday morning is always the best time since they are closed on Monday and only getting going for the week. So no I am perfectly groomed - and it feels a lot better.

I bought a special parcel box for the picture yesterday - had to out it together - and with lots of packing, and sealed up it was sent off this morning. I have put the pic up before of the bluebell wood

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Sent as a belated silver wedding present - and I am looking forward to their reaction. It is always a problem painting something too specific and this was more a generic picture - it could be anywhere.

This afternoon I am off to have a special test on my eyes at the optometrist - they do a cross section of the eye to check on any changes over six months - isn’t science wonderful?

And just to say it a relief to be writing on this MacBook Pro since I caught the charge cable with my foot last night and pulled the machine on to the floor - it went dark - but just seemed to turn off - I hope anyway.

So that’s me on this Tuesday morning - and just a little joke
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Last updated October 20, 2015

WanderingWarrior October 21, 2015

Nothing quite like finishing a list! I wish I was better at making lists and completing them lol.

Lady of the Bann October 21, 2015

Ahhh lists! Not getting very far on mine. Either the one about decluttering and firs and against Robert. But like you said I do need an escape.

Domino October 22, 2015

I love lists 😀

colojojo October 22, 2015

That's a lovely idea in terms of the painting as a gift. Even more special since they will know the person who painted it :)

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