Entry 22: Brief in Much Ado About Nothing

  • Jan. 25, 2025, 1:26 a.m.
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Before going to bed, I was perusing the Iowa Match Makers site. Yes, a matchmaking site is where I am these days. And profile after profile after profile consistently listed “tall” as a requirement. Note: NOT as a preference… a REQUIREMENT

One such profile was
38 year old professional with no kids, but wants kids. Lives in my hometown but not born there. Exercises and lists herself as Christian but does not currently have a church home. Interested in exploring restaurants, theater, and nature.

Now no picture is offered- that comes if you send the service money- but that description sounds like what i am looking for (more or less). But then comes the fucking death knell.

Woman is 5‘4 and loves wearing heels, so will not see men under 6 feet tall.

And I come here when I see that because SO MANY WOMEN think I am joking, exaggerating, or lying when I describe this as a repeated and bullshit issue!! TikTok, Magazines, Prosebox, Social Media… all so quick to say, “I’m sure it isn’t as bad as all that.” Except it is. It 100% is. Online Dating, Match Making… modern adult dating generally treats men under 6’ as undesirable trolls. Which is bullshit for a number of reasons, of course. But… it continues to be a “double barrel” issue. One Barrel: running into No Short Men Are Desirable every day. Other Barrel: this social fabrication insisting, “No, I don’t think that’s true. I have no reliable reference for it, but I can’t believe that is accurate.” I hear so much about “Men are gaslighting monsters” but… this feels like gaslighting. For me, as a 5‘7 man, to constantly run into “You’re too short to date” or even be considered for online conversation or an actual Match Maker… all while Society in General says, “Real women aren’t like that! I don’t believe you!”
That sure feels gaslighty!!

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