Entries 12
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Entry 32: Stolen Survey
Credit Where Credit is Due: I stole this. One of the Prosebox writers on here that I respect and consider a friend (even have them on some Socials) put the work in to compile questions from Red...
Entry 31: Phil and Don
This morning went much as could be expected. I woke up when my alarm went off, hit snooze, and played that game for about an hour. Which… who we are is comprised of everyone who influenced us....
Entry 30: Spicy Bland
This isn’t going to be actually spicy and what’s worse is that I fear whether this will merely come off as whiny. I find myself today feeling a way that is difficult to put in appropriate words...
Entry 29: Something In The Way of an Update
So, this will be quick. Much quicker than expected certainly. Facebook Dating Girl cancelled, asked for a rain check. So, I downloaded Hinge again which… may have been a truly terrible idea as ...
Entry 28: Theater From The Outside
It is a particularly interesting perspective sitting in the audience of this particular theater around the beginning of February. Last year and the year before, I would be up on that stage. Thi...
Entry 22: Brief
Before going to bed, I was perusing the Iowa Match Makers site. Yes, a matchmaking site is where I am these days. And profile after profile after profile consistently listed “tall” as a requirem...
Entry 20: Vigilant Observation
So, yes- by naming scheme this should be called Entry 19 as WHAT was not a Title Format Fitting Title. But WHAT replaced Entry 19: A Funny Thing and so I’m honoring the Spirit of the Naming. W...
Prosebox just ate a long and very detailed entry. Literally “starting last night at 9 pm” to “as I leave the office at 5 pm. The “save NEW” didn’t work. The “save to draft” didn’t work. I go...
Entry 12: Public Shared
Today started with less fanfare. Mostly the earnest debate with myself on whether I get my bones out of bed or not. Ultimately, I succumbed to the inevitable. Got up, got dressed, discovered i...
Entry Three: Public Shared
I am wondering if my increased pain for today stems from this feeling of massive dehydration. Last night with dinner, I had a large tankard of water. But it was the only water I’d had all day....
Entry Two: Public Shared
I have a strong suspicion that today will be a two-entry day (or more). Fear not, I won’t assault this space with a deluge of content in some effort to make up for last year. I DO find it inte...
Entry One: Public Shared
Traditionally, I would spend the first entry of the year discussing why I chose the book name, discussing how I would like the coming year to look, really digging in on the elements of “One year...