
Much Ado About Nothing

by Park Row Fallout

Entries 12

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Credit Where Credit is Due: I stole this. One of the Prosebox writers on here that I respect and consider a friend (even have them on some Socials) put the work in to compile questions from Red...

This morning went much as could be expected. I woke up when my alarm went off, hit snooze, and played that game for about an hour. Which… who we are is comprised of everyone who influenced us....

This isn’t going to be actually spicy and what’s worse is that I fear whether this will merely come off as whiny. I find myself today feeling a way that is difficult to put in appropriate words...

So, this will be quick. Much quicker than expected certainly. Facebook Dating Girl cancelled, asked for a rain check. So, I downloaded Hinge again which… may have been a truly terrible idea as ...

It is a particularly interesting perspective sitting in the audience of this particular theater around the beginning of February. Last year and the year before, I would be up on that stage. Thi...

January 25, 2025

Entry 22: Brief

Before going to bed, I was perusing the Iowa Match Makers site. Yes, a matchmaking site is where I am these days. And profile after profile after profile consistently listed “tall” as a requirem...

So, yes- by naming scheme this should be called Entry 19 as WHAT was not a Title Format Fitting Title. But WHAT replaced Entry 19: A Funny Thing and so I’m honoring the Spirit of the Naming. W...

January 22, 2025


Prosebox just ate a long and very detailed entry. Literally “starting last night at 9 pm” to “as I leave the office at 5 pm. The “save NEW” didn’t work. The “save to draft” didn’t work. I go...

January 14, 2025

Entry 12: Public Shared

Today started with less fanfare. Mostly the earnest debate with myself on whether I get my bones out of bed or not. Ultimately, I succumbed to the inevitable. Got up, got dressed, discovered i...

January 03, 2025

Entry Three: Public Shared

I am wondering if my increased pain for today stems from this feeling of massive dehydration. Last night with dinner, I had a large tankard of water. But it was the only water I’d had all day....

January 03, 2025

Entry Two: Public Shared

I have a strong suspicion that today will be a two-entry day (or more). Fear not, I won’t assault this space with a deluge of content in some effort to make up for last year. I DO find it inte...

January 02, 2025

Entry One: Public Shared

Traditionally, I would spend the first entry of the year discussing why I chose the book name, discussing how I would like the coming year to look, really digging in on the elements of “One year...

Book Description