Do I Make You Horny, Baby, Do I? in Hello
- Jan. 17, 2025, 5:29 a.m.
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I just finished Max Shulman’s Anyone Got A Match?
Ever read a book, or see a film or tv show where all the characters are completely reprehensible and just plain bad people? That’s this book. I’d go as far as to categorize it with Dirty White Boys, the book I read about three escaped prisoners while I was in jail. The only redeemable people were the cop’s two kids and his wife. Seriously, every chapter I was hoping for some awful to happen to everyone, especially that cop. He watched his partner get murdered RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIM and still kept fucking the partner’s wife.
Picked up a few groceries in the afternoon. Purchased some brussel sprouts. Have heard they are like a mini cabbage. I love cabbage! With a little chew/crunch to it, add some butter and pepper and baby, we’re in business! So I’ve looked up a few recipes and why not? Picked up two thick cut pork chops, as well. I’ll slap something together with those in a few nights with a veggie heavy dinner.
I keep thinking about next months horror meeting at the library. I am SO going to bring in some of my EC Comics reprints and nerd out over Tales From The Crypt. Gah! I’m excited. Tempted to take my actual issue from 1954 I bought for my birthday years ago. A little beat up but it IS a 70 year old comic book.
Dunno, just excited.
Earlier this week I was having a fit of depression and after doing some soul searching, list making and cleaning I’ve got a plan. At least two hours a day. Do something productive. Not it and play video games or read, basically doing nothing. I mean clean something, sketch out my next tattoo design. PICK UP THE FUCKING GUITAR AND KEYBOARD! Do something constructive with my time till I get a job.
My mental health took a hit this week but I’m still standing here.
Last updated January 17, 2025
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