"On Christmas" *or* "I Write Too Much" in Book Eleven: Whatever Will Be Will Be 2024

  • Dec. 16, 2024, 10:39 p.m.
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I write too much, I know. There was a TODAY entry found here. And a “Overthinking and Music” entry with restricted access. But I got some less than awesome news and my research regarding that news turned up less than awesome results. It’s not… y’know… like dire or critical or anything but… it’s bad news and I’ve learned that if I don’t let out my emotions on negative things… they tend to rot and fester.

So… I am required to be at work on December 24, 2024. Not sure exactly what to expect for Court on that day; but I am required to be at work on that day. We discovered that my sister-in-law is required to be at work on December 25, 2024. Due to a dear friend’s surgery, my parents are putting up a friend of theirs in the house from December 23rd to December 26th. So Dad asked if we could just do Christmas on the 28th. I asked if that would be a “whole thing” like… Christmas Eve on Friday the 27th and Christmas proper on the 28th? His response was “whatever, we’ll do what we can make work.” (essentially). SO… I have… December 25th and December 26th off and now… no plans whatsoever. I am reminded of COVID Christmas but even then I had the Polycule (more or less). But I thought… no, you know what? This is an excellent opportunity to go Whole Hog with my local Church group! Let’s look what they have scheduled for their Christmas stuff! I go to the website, I make sure I’m checking the calendar and… Christmas Service… December 22 at 9:00 a.m. THEY… they aren’t even having Christmas Eve or Christmas Day services? This is a satellite location. The Mothership is doing five services on Christmas Eve! Our only Christmas thing is… Sunday the 22nd? Yeesh.

So… Christmas Day… no family, no church. So, I have.... just… a regular weekend in the middle of the week, then? Stay home, watch movies, play video games, drink, do laundry or house stuff.... that is my Christmas this year?! That… is a little upsetting.

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