dec 17 in idea barrages

  • Dec. 16, 2024, 3:54 p.m.
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  • Public

  1. A software mod can be a real game changer.

  2. The real mistake in Space Force was the name. The Air Force isn’t the Sky Force, Space Force should’ve been called The Vacuum Force. That would’a been infinitely cooler.

  3. They couldn’t put Humpty together again. Oh, how they tried. But the monster escaped its shell. The giant chicken demon within now prowled the city behind that wall. Oh, had they just caught him, kept it trapped.

  4. The physicist, she says we are atoms and strings, the preacher-man says we are souls, the writer, he says we are stories and… who knows, maybe they’re all correct at once but, me being me, I’m leaning toward stories myself.

  5. A fusion of Baba Ram Dass and Bob Ross, Bobbo Radross.

  6. Your name is not your meaning, you create the meaning for your name.

  7. Sometimes your sex dungeon needs a really thorough cleaning, from top to bottom.

  8. “The Merchant of Venice” but with McDonaldland characters.

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