My last preview of my novel. My novel should be coming out this week. Here you go: in Poetry

  • Dec. 1, 2024, 8:58 a.m.
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Enki looks intensely at Tiriel, “They are why this place exists! And to answer your other dilemma, what you were seeing is a time when you will be a King on an island—the kingdom will be an excellent example of the potential of your species. The kingdom will also be a reminder of the evil of your species. The Armageddon that takes place during that time will set the stage for the freedom or slavery of humanity. More time must transpire before both of us head down that road.
The two serpents represent the forces of good and evil battling it out. The blue serpent represents spirituality; it is also called the white serpent. The white serpent appeared blue to let you know that this is a spiritual war. The serpent changed into a black serpent to tell you that the serpent wants the death of everything to create the universe in its image instead of the All’s image.
While this moment will bring out the best in your species through a series of deceptive and brutal events, it will also bring out the worst in your species. Unfortunately, the island will perish in the most brutal circumstances. The cataclysm that will strike Tiamat will echo in your consciousness for eons.
From what you told me about the dream, the serpent seems to tell you that you will die on the island. There will be people who escape, and I promise you that. This event will scar your soul; I failed to realize how much that world meant to you. It is interesting how you can glimpse the future without technology. You must be connected to the cosmic web.”
Tiriel’s mind is still hazy from what Enki told him, “What?”
Enki sits down and advises Tiriel to do the same: “Tiriel, everything that will happen has already happened, and everything that has happened before this moment is continuously happening. The future, past, and present are all happening at one time. Time is not linear. I welcome you to the time wars.
This is not the first time that you have heard of this knowledge. Before the creation of the universe, there was a struggle between good and evil. The intensity of the battle separated them, causing an explosion between the two. The blast created what you see today. The wars being fought go back and forth between the past, present, and future. Specific points in time cannot be seen by anyone who knows the future. There are several possibilities because there are so many different realities. The point in time coming against Enlil is a crucial moment I like to call critical points. Remember, the critical points in time are a period where no one can see the actual outcome of the future. If you see something in the critical point, it just gives you a version of one of the many possible outcomes. Knowing the future can be tricky, especially for those who are egotistical.”
Enki pauses momentarily to gather his thoughts, “Somehow, in your dreams, you were able to access a point in time that is over 100,000 years from now. The civilization that is sinking into the ocean will be called Atlantis. I know this may sound confusing or unreal now, but these are stories that my father has informed me about because he can see into the future, too.

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