Updates and Such in Book Eleven: Whatever Will Be Will Be 2024
- Sept. 6, 2024, 5:09 p.m.
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So, last night I needed to get things taken care of in order to be ready. I didn’t get nearly as much done as I had wanted to! I still needed to unload the dishwasher and pack for the trip. I woke up a little early this morning to tackle some of those things.... sorry, I skipped important information. I couldn’t sleep at all last night the pain in my back and shoulder were so bad. So, I filled the tub and soaked for about an hour from 1 am to about 2 am. Then went to bed. Then woke up a little early to see what I could get done. Which is when I remembered- I don’t have a leash for Nala anymore. Her leash is still in Des Moines with my parents. Whenever we’ve taken the dogs for a walk, I’ve been using one of Hermia’s spare leashes. So, I could try to buy one as a replacement- which is what I might have done not too long ago… but I don’t need an extra leash. I need Nala’s leash or one of Hermia’s spares. So, I texted Hermia to see if I could pick one up over lunch and I’ll just take Nala to the vet over the lunch period. Which then means I have a lot of other stuff to do after work. But part of “after work” is taking Hermia’s pets to the vet. So… the scheduling of things is… becoming an issue. Because ultimately I need to get a LOT done over lunch and I know I won’t be able to get it all done over the lunch hour.
This morning has felt… frustrating. And has clearly put me in mind of a video game experience. Because there are all these things I need to do. But I can’t do them yet. Because I have to get through this one thing here before I can leave. It reminded me of Borderlands 3 or Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands. It’s like… there’s the MAIN QUEST that you’re actively not doing so you can level and explore the side quests and collectibles. But then the list of side quests gets out of hand and the requirements send you all over. Like… I know to finish the MAIN QUEST, I need to get in my ship and fly to the planet of Nekrotafeyo. But I’m presently hunting Jabbers on Eden-6, even though I’m supposed to be mounting some kind of jail break instead. But I also have a laundry list of things I need to do in Promethea and a quest or two left over in Athenas. And while some of my generic side missions benefit by using certain weapons, thus hunting Jabbers helps multiple tasks; I am still just… super aware of all of the other things I need to do/should do but need to travel to do. I don’t know if that doesn’t make sense. Ultimately, long story short… I feel like I have a bunch of things to do. Being at work is actually getting in the way of doing those things. And I feel distracted by the list of TO DO but also acknowledge I need to work on my Work To Do while I’m here at work doing it.
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