Weight loss, being public.. in Thoughts on thoughts

  • June 10, 2024, 1:22 p.m.
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  • Public

I’m fat, gonna just put it out there..no not a little I’m 223 lbs. This is too much! I know what the problem is but damn… sodas are a killer for sure, that and bread…which I can find meals with no carbs that’s okay..it’s the sugar! Lol
So I figured if I talked about this openly it will be even more motivated to get my ass up and get on that damn treadmill!
Motivation here I come!! Haha!

Scott June 10, 2024

Cut out soda. White sugar/junk food. Replace with fruit and real food. Focus on foods with FIBER. I did. Lost a little weight but at my age, it is harder. I DO feel better without the garbage in my system. Very little red meat if any. Wish you the best and hopefully you have an incline on the treadmill.

Lilyflower Scott ⋅ June 11, 2024

Oh I am trying to cut out that crap.. baby steps though! haha
Yeah its a great treadmill, I just need to use it more often! Thanks for the advice!!

Scott Lilyflower ⋅ June 11, 2024

Yeah baby steps here too. Good habits become a way of life. You are welcome and wish you a good day!

Lux Lunae June 10, 2024

Carbonaut bread is awesome. I usually have it toasted, but it's ok soft in a sandwich.

Lilyflower Lux Lunae ⋅ June 11, 2024

Never heard of that kind of bread, may have to check it out, thanks!

World of Bre June 11, 2024

Left foot, right foot. Repeat. Eat less and move more. I lost about 60 lbs. but it took me about 18 months. I did it mostly by running. But I started by walking and built up. No magic formula. Just have to keep at it. Also you can't out exercise a bad diet. Good luck. Ypu got this!

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