Melatonin dreams in Thoughts on thoughts

  • April 25, 2024, 9:38 p.m.
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  • Public

I’ve always had insomnia since I was 16 sleep has been kind of a lost cause.
I am not sure exactly why but I just never really felt like it was important. As I got older it stayed so when I worked I tried doing night shifts since I was awake anyway. I started using nyquil to help get me to sleep and it helped a lot! But I was told later by my doctor that it would really mess with my liver and kidneys so I tried melatonin instead....
Turns out melatonin gives me wicked nightmares! I dream about stuff I would only write about....I’m wondering if anyone else has nightmares when taking this medication.

Jodi April 25, 2024

Yes! Although to be honest I'm prone to nightmares and bad dreams no matter what. My former dental hygienist said she couldn't take melatonin for her insomnia because of nightmares.

Lilyflower Jodi ⋅ April 26, 2024

Sounds like it's a funky medication! I'm glad I stopped using it!

sourapple April 26, 2024

I don’t find that melatonin messes with my dreams, but my mom says it gives her nightmares. It’s so weird how brains fight sleep. Like, is my brain really not smart enough to do the healthy thing for itself? (She says at 3 in the morning hahaha)

Lilyflower sourapple ⋅ April 26, 2024

haha.. are you a fellow insomniac?

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