april 6 in idea barrages

  • April 5, 2024, 4:17 p.m.
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  1. A movie about a serial killer whose calling card is a box of Milano cookies called PEPPERIDGE FARMS REMEMBERS WHAT YOU DID LAST SUMMER.

  2. When the suits aren’t taking a cut, they tell artists to do challenging work to get noticed. Once the suits are taking their cut, they sell artists to do perfectly polished weaponized-mediocrity schlock to keep the money flowing through the artists into their pockets. It’s a hell of a thing.

  3. Maybe the things you’re procrastinating on & don’t know why, maybe your subconscious has a reason to not do them your waking mind doesn’t understand. Evaluate it. Maybe your deep down self isn’t lazy, maybe it’s just in tune with something you don’t wanna admit.

  4. Kinda want a Bass Pro Shop next to a Guitar Centre, just for the pun.

  5. What if the rapture never comes, the aliens never come, we never go to Mars, what if all these deus-ex-machinas never pop off and instead we just shared and loved each other, from birth until death, without the distraction of some magic win condition? Would it be so bad?

  6. Kinda want to write a parody of “Zoot Suit Riot” about work-life balance.

  7. Do the beef jerky people KNOW that we use the desiccant packet as a toothpick? They could modify them to better serve the purpose and it could be a real win!

  8. Is it that famous people are just idiots for giving their children stupid names or are they consciously flexing on the idea that their child will have so many unfair advantages, they don’t even have to worry about being named an equation or an NYC borough or, like, “Blourphieze”?

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