In the Life Log - Day 15 in My Musings

  • April 1, 2024, 2:45 p.m.
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Today was a really bad day; not the worst, but certainly part of the top 5 in the past couple weeks. I woke up about 45 minutes into my sleep, only to realize that my bedroom was starting to get flooded. Turns out that the hose of my bathroom’s sink burst during that short period of slumber. It was a good thing that I was able to contact our building’s facilities team, so they were able to stop the flow of water. The unexpected episode meant I had to mop every nook and cranny of my place, however, and given the past couple weeks.. meant I couldn’t control my emotions again.

One of the things I really miss about having a go-to person is being able to share how my day went - from the positive to the negative (hopefully almost always for the former and almost never for the latter). Her absence is something I really feel, especially since I can no longer message her as much more so when there are lots of stories I want to tell her (and at the same time, listen to hers). It’s been 15 days already and I still miss her terribly.

Thankfully, I was able to sort things out; work was very light today so that helped in ensuring I was able to focus on my place’s cleanup. As I call it a day in a short while, I hope and pray that tomorrow will turn out better.

Overall rating for the day: 3/10

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