Maxi And I again(video) in Old

  • March 30, 2024, 10:06 a.m.
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  • Public

Gypsea Surfer March 30, 2024

How many birds do you have?

Scott Gypsea Surfer ⋅ March 30, 2024

I have two Conures. Max is female and the other one is buddy and he is male. Max is very friendly as you see, but her mate buddy is a total barbarian, but I love the little bastard despite all the blood he has shed. He thinks of my fingers, his finger food. So far, he has never tried to bite my face, which is amazing to me. This morning I got up and listened to a Pearl Jam song a few times bouncing around with headphones and then I took off the headphones and just let it play from the iPhone and the birds got agitated and either they liked it or they hated it because they jumped on the phone and were making noises. I know you only asked a simple question😃

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