Where I'm Coming From in Current Events

  • March 17, 2024, 10:42 a.m.
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In case we don’t understand where I’m coming from.

I used to be the person the world wanted me to be. The person I thought they wanted, I should say. Being gay is who you are. A therapist once said to me. No, it is what I am. I can change who I am but I cannot change that. I explained. That was my big epiphany that changed everything.

That old version of myself, Tom.0, I was mainstreaming. I was going along with leftist ideology. It was more like I was not going against it. You get abused, dehumanized, and forced into exile via cancel culture all in the name of tolerance. Stockholm syndrome. You get that pat on the head when you virtue signal on its behalf. You get even more if you victim signal. If you can’t question something, it’s dogma. This is a cult. I didn’t have a strong sense of self, no strong sense of identity. This is what causes normopathy. I wasn’t an individual. I was afraid to be my authentic self. Whoever that was. Whoever that is.

That person, I used to be, his empathy was expected to extend to everyone like it was an infinite source. His patience and understanding. He was expected to tolerate the abuse. The gaslighting. Stick to groupthink for the sake of open-mindedness. Their codependence is parasitic. I know this because I too played the role of victim. I know what I demanded of everyone. I know how radicalized it is.

If you stray away from one idea or even question it, you are labeled a monster, a phobe of something, and are too toxic for the world and must be forced out of existence. Basic freedoms no longer apply to you. Safety, speech, private wealth, education, employment, etc. The woke Taliban, Al Gayda, 2SLGBTQIA+, take no prisoners, I use for example. This is the groupthink I freed myself of. They are truthphobic. Factphobic. When you struggle to relate to reality, you are experiencing psychosis. We are all experiencing this en mass. In one way or another.

My empathy turned into contempt. Contempt that I don’t feel is misdirected. Dealing with adults stuck in their childlike psychology is very frustrating. Narcissists have a blind spot, self-awareness. They abuse and manipulate. Gaslight and go on smear campaigns. We are dealing with collective narcissism. The counter-culture is the same thing. I learned that later. Our narcissism doesn’t want to know what it does, or how it negatively affects others. It’s the victim here. Narcissists have the psychology of children and need to be treated as such. To draw a boundary we have to be stern like an adult telling a child NO. Narcissism is built on shame. We have to make them understand that we are disappointed. That is how you get across to them. You won’t get through to them, ever. It’s not possible. We can only build strong boundaries from their toxic codependence. I will not think like you do.

I have my mind to think for myself
I have my tongue to speak for myself
I have my hands to do my own work
I have my legs to walk my own path
I have my heart to share with whomever I choose.

When you cut off their supply, you are a narcissist. You’re emotionally unavailable. Intolerant. A monster. There is something fundamentally wrong with you. You’re the problem.

It’s self-esteem, self-respect, self-worth, self-identity, and self-etc. It’s not supposed to be a group effort. This is what I mean by having a weak sense of self. We are outsourcing ourselves. We need to re-member who we are. Love is oneness, you don’t want to be separate from something that you love. When you love yourself, you’re one with yourself. Hate speech can’t hurt you. You know the truth. It’s on your side.

Here is a link to a paper from the American Psychological Association if anyone is interested in learning about Signaling Virtuous Victimhood as Indicators of Dark Triad Personalities

I say this all the time but on my journey, I stopped identifying with identities. I can participate with them but I do not belong to them. I tried to be the best man. The best gay man. The best this, that, and the other thing. I was suffering because I was horrible at it. I’m a horrible provider. I don’t put the ho in homo. Whoever I was trying to be, I always came up short. I lost myself trying to expand into all those limiting beliefs. I am not a gender, I have a gender. I’m not a sexuality, I have a sexuality. I’m not an ethnicity, I have an ethnicity. I’m not a caste, creed, a diagnosis, or a political idea. I’m just an individual consciousness having a temporary experience. This was an intense, but liberating revelation. The old belief systems had to die. You go through all the stages of grief. At the end of grief is acceptance and at the end of healing can only be forgiveness.

There is an objective truth to which we are all subject. It requires no belief system. It requires no validation. It is in effect and we are all subject to it and we don’t have to like it. We are going against our own best interests and against our own nature but we can’t see it because of that blindspot in our psyche. The shadow-self. The part of our consciousness that we cannot see which has hijacked our consciousness. It’s artificial. It’s software. It’s an unsightedness acting as sightedness. It’s called the devil, a demon, the carnal mind, the reptilian, Wetiko, Wendigo, ego, subconscious. It has many names, nobody denies that it is there. It’s anti-consciousness. Antichrist. When you are just the product of your social conditioning, your programming, you are an NPC (Non-player character).

The nature of our desire is expansion and we are trying to expand into things that are not real. They do not exist in reality. This is mental illness. Gender is a social construct says the left. No it’s not! Says the right as they demand we reinstate gender roles. Those don’t exist in reality. Everything is unstable because it is not real. Borders, nations, economics, authority, government, law, morals, good & evil, etc. If it’s not built on truth, it is built on lies. It’s lies built on lies. It’s a massive web in which are all trapped. A matrix, as some call it. The civil body, the Civicus but this too shall pass. Truth will cancel it out.

If you ever get to the bottom of the rabbit hole, you will find what used to unite us all across history and culture. You will understand that it is all predestined. In the end, God wins.

The only thing that matters is matter itself. The torus field. God is zero-point energy. Everything audible, visible, and tangible is energy released. Energy at rest is God. It is the father. It is pure unconditioned thought. The literary Jesus said that point blank in one of the banned Gnostic texts. We are in an electro-magnetic field and the field is God. It is the aether. It is the dreamer, we are the dream. In counter-space, we cannot expand. God gave us theatre, the aether, so that we can have conditions, so we can expand. All the tools we need are within. There is nothing outside of ourselves. Nothing can be created separate from itself. It’s just an 18-inch journey to become whole and holy. Connecting one’s head with their heart.

We are not harmonized with nature. Inside and out. It is a dead thing to be sourced. This is anti-life. We are harming ourselves. We are willfully ignorant of it. We are in the dumb ages. We don’t think natural thoughts. We don’t eat natural foods. We don’t live in nature. We hate god and the truth.

There is a book by Paul Levy, Dispelling Wetiko. Sting says the world would be a better place if we all read it. I agree. We are not living consciously. We do not consciously. We are caught up.

Zampano March 17, 2024

That was an enjoyable read. It's sort of like Confessional Prose-Poetry. Very good writing. I can sort of see the different voices of various groups you are connected with chiming into your stream of consciousness. Keep it up! To quote an American Poet:

"I am Large.
I contain millions."

-Walt Whitman, Leaves of Grass

TL Zampano ⋅ March 17, 2024

🙏Thanks B, I’m flattered.

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