Dumpster Diving At The Mental Health Clinic in Hello

  • Feb. 28, 2024, 8:34 a.m.
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  • Public

It’s one thing to be in a waiting room at a regular doctor’s office.

You should see the lobby at a state ran mental health facility.

DimMeOut February 28, 2024

Oh I can imagine... LOL

J.E. DimMeOut ⋅ February 28, 2024

It's not as bad as the Cheech and Chong clip but damn...I've seen some characters there.

DimMeOut J.E. ⋅ February 29, 2024


Deleted user February 28, 2024

I'm not sorry I took the money! ahahahahahahahahaaaa!!!

J.E. Deleted user ⋅ February 28, 2024


FragileGlass February 28, 2024

Been there Done that.
State run mental health clinics are not for the weak of heart.

J.E. FragileGlass ⋅ February 28, 2024

Nope. Meet lots of interesting people.

FragileGlass J.E. ⋅ February 29, 2024


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