Work. in Since OD is shutting down....

  • Jan. 26, 2024, 9:01 a.m.
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Okay so I’ve been really busy with work this week. I’m so glad it’s Thursday and we have 1 more day until the weekend. So last night, I got yelled at because I left kids alone for a minute to let another kid out a door. I didn’t discover my key fob didn’t work until we got to that door and the guy I worked with tells me not to leave kids alone. He had ran out to do something and the kid’s ride was waiting. I don’t think he’s going to tell on me but if I get fired, I’ll know it’s because of him. After that, I was pretty quiet for the rest of the night. He was super decent after that but I do anticipate a shit storm when the boss comes back on Monday. I don’t know if I should say something by then or not.

I’m already getting burnt out. I can’t stand kids telling me no, being disrespectful and don’t do what I ask of them. I still have serious second thoughts about this job. I just don’t know if I can find something else that’s going to work with our schedule. I have good days and bad days so I’m not sure if I should just keep trying or not. I’m already feeling pretty over it. Sometimes I think it’s totally the job for me and other times, I just want to figure out another job.

The landlord came this morning. It was like a 5 minute thing. I replaced a cat litter box and hid the other one. My house smells amazing. I used that carpet stuff and I really like not smelling any type of stink. I think I’m going to start emptying out the boxes, wash them really good with soap and water and let them dry.

I’m showered and just waiting on pizza to get done. I’m hoping at some point, I’ll get some extra money soon. I have to pay my car insurance because it’s due on the 2nd and I don’t get paid again until the 7th. I heard that internet is probably not going to be discounted by May so that’s a concern. I don’t make a lot of money so if I get a new bill or more added to a bill, I get serious anxiety.

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