Generosity in Torridaussity Two

  • Sept. 6, 2014, 9:34 p.m.
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  • Public

I am surrounded by wonderful people and one of them is the reason I am sitting in bed typing this entry. An “anonymous” friend gifted me with a windows surface. If you don’t know what that is, it’s a tablet computer made by windows. It’s like you have your whole computer, but on a tablet. I put anonymous in quotes because I am pretty sure I know who it’s from, but I am blown away by his generosity. Then when thinking about my life in general, I am super blessed. I have a dozen or so friends that have all been in my life for 15-20 years as well as making new ones that aren’t as long, but still close friends. I have an amazing family that is so supportive and helpful, it is amazing. Although I am not rich financially and most likely never will be, I am rich spiritually and emotionally. I am blessed.
In other news, mom is cleared to have her surgery we are just waiting on a date. I pray it is soon as she is literally losing her mind on all the pain meds she is on, she is not functioning. Grandpa seems to be okay and that’s good.
I think that’s all for now. Love to you all ♥

Deleted user September 07, 2014

That is awesome, you are so sweet and have awesome karma,
my friend!

WomanOfSteele September 08, 2014

Wow! That's quite an anonymous gift!

Always lovely to stop and count your blessings! <3

Always Laughing WomanOfSteele ⋅ September 09, 2014


Deleted user September 08, 2014

What a wonderful friend!

I am so glad your mom is going to have her surgery soon! I hope it helps her.

Always Laughing Deleted user ⋅ September 09, 2014


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