Bravo! Those photos, and styles really bring it on home to me. They inspire a lot of nostalgia for the great times in our past.

Growing older isn't so bad if you do it well. I just stay away from crowds, and folks who chip away at my self-worth. Life is always getting better. In my case, I have always been a ladies man which adds a lot of jealousy to the table as folks of our generation grow older. For instance, my getting attention from females at work, or wherever, others will go out of their ways to accentuate any blemishes. You find what you are looking for.

I'm also, a skilled fighter. And it's becoming difficult to be "an adult" around young bucks. Because, they see an old man that the woman are surrounding (I'm 34), but they don't see is the years of yoga, exercise, speed-bag, heavy-bag, and kick boxing training.

My favourite look is the top section, middle-left. That's like the alternative-Nashville music scene look.

As far as the question "What am I doing with my life?" I recommend giving less of a shit at work, and focus on your studies, and your writing, and exercise. Remember, that if anything happens to you, your job can and will replace you in a matter of days.

"Strive not to strive." -Ip Man