Sunday. in Since OD is shutting down....

  • Sept. 25, 2023, 8:17 a.m.
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I made hot dogs and curly fries for dinner and my daughter had her bath. The day has gone really fast and we didn’t even go anywhere. I was feeling pretty tired and crappy most of the day from staying up too late.

We have just a few minutes until it’s time to lay down and unwind. Tomorrow is pajama day at school so she has her outfit picked. It’s going to be kinda warm tomorrow so I’m not really into it but she still wants to wear a nightgown with shorts. She does have extra clothes in her bag and I told her she can change if she gets too warm.

I’m going to shower and get laundry done tomorrow. Definitely ready to get my appointment over with on Tuesday about the whole TANF thing. I would like to stick it out and get at least one more paycheck. I’m also pretty nervous about my appointments on Wednesday and will be so glad to get that behind me.

It’s been a pretty decent weekend and today wasn’t terribly hot and there’s a breeze. I’m not looking forward to the cold weather and snow. My tires tend to leak air so I have to constantly worried about having a flat in the morning. Hopefully I’ll be able to afford some new ones here in the near future.

I watched American Murder, the Chris Watts story earlier. I still just don’t understand how he thought he was going to get away with killing his family. I’d like to know how long he had planned to kill them and if the girlfriend was involved. She sounds fairly innocent but no one will ever know the truth. I know that he told her he was getting separated but the fact that she still went for him makes her trash. Every time I see videos of his wife and kids I get really emotional. They didn’t deserve to die. His parents didn’t like her and didn’t really care that he killed them. The whole thing is stomach turning. Thank God for her friend because who knows when they would have found them. It’s really terrible that the little girls had to have their coffins sealed because they had been soaked in oil so they were worried about explosion. I hope that guy fucking rots. He drove them out to that work site that took an hour and still chose to strangle his daughters. He had plenty of time to decide not to.

Anyways, it’s about time to lay down and relax. More tomorrow.

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