Home in Each Day

  • April 4, 2023, 2:44 a.m.
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Friday was hectic. I was up early to finish getting ready, and out the door shortly after 7. I drove to pick up Red, and then drove to the airport. I got flagged twice at security, because of course I did, but I was way ahead of schedule so I didn’t have to worry about timing. I found my gate and knitted until boarding.
The flight itself was awful. After flying Swoop in December, on a 737-800 (a pretty big plane), flying on Porter’s Dash-8 was fucking terrible. The noise was oppressive, the seats were cramped, and on this particular flight there was a surprising number of screaming children. Even earplugs couldn’t dull the cacophony.

I found out when I checked in for my flight that they’d changed the time. I was supposed to land at 11:05, I’d booked a train ticket that left at 12:17. Lots of time to make the 15 minute trek from the airport to the train station.
But then it changed and we were scheduled to land at 11:50. maybe could still make it. Stressed about that for the next 24 hours. Except between late boarding and de-icing, we didn’t land until 12:14. I had to cancel my train BEFORE departure if I wanted any of my money back. I called to cancel while still on the plane, surrounded by screaming kids. At least I got that done.
I’d been anxious about the connection, so not having even a remote chance of making it gave me a lot of relief. I wandered around the train station, looking at all the changes since I’d last taken a train in 2018. I had a leisurely lunch and texted with Bird Guy and M, separately.
I bought new train tickets online, sitting in the food court, and I wandered around until the gate was announced and it was time to board.

I love taking the train.

I bummed around the last station until M got out of class (thankfully while I was still on the train), and drove the hour or so to pick me up. When he arrived I offered to drive back, and he was happy for the offer. We got to his room, and basically immediately ordered pizza for dinner. Which was delicious. We spent the evening not unlike every other evening, talking, watching shows, going for a walk, and banging. We made it 3 minutes into the movie he’d chosen before turning it off and getting it on. heheh
Saturday morning we took advantage of what was supposed to be a sunny morning before a crappy afternoon. We went for a walk, it was so windy, and then did some running around, M showing me the things he’s been doing since he’s been away. We stopped at this little sub shop for lunch, and ate our subs parked by the shore. We spent the afternoon marvelling on how nice the weather was staying but also cursing it a little as it was too bright to watch some of the shows we wanted to. We had the rest of the pizza for dinner, went for another walk (I think we did 3 in total on Saturday), and then of course, banged :)

Sunday we woke up, ate, and, you guessed it, went for a walk. We watched the F1 race while we waited for the Odd Couple to tell us their ETA. They arrived shortly after noon, and we headed to a restaurant in town. Lunch was delicious and it was nice to get to do something so casual together.
M had to run to one of his coworker’s homes to do something with his bike, so while he was doing that I chatted with the guy’s wife about our pets and our homes. They were really nice, and I got to cuddle a kitten, I could see being friends with them if (when?) we move here.
We met back up with The Odd Couple at a local park, where we tried to take a walk, but the wind and the cold made it kind of miserable. It wasn’t long until I was hugging M goodbye and piling into The Odd Fellow’s truck.

The drive to my mom’s was great. We talked and joked and caught up. They’re my people.

We got to mom’s a little late, The Odd Fellow chatted up mom as he does. They’re cute, it’s nice. After The Odd Fellow left, I had dinner with mom and my sister and then we introduced mom to The Last of Us. (I was watching TLoU on my own, but then my sister said she wanted to watch, so I stopped at e6 and started over. Mom also wanted us to start over, but I said, adamantly, NO, because I was STILL WAITING TO FIND OUT WHAT HAPPENED at the end of e6, so I conceded that we could watch e1, and the Jakarta part of e2, and then start e4 where my sister and I had left off before the trip. )

Today we had a casual morning, then mom and I headed into town to run some errands. I convinced her to drive to the greenhouse we like and we looked at plants for a while. I bought what I thought was an aglaonema pictum tricolour, but it turns out to be a homalomena camouflage. I’m rather irritated with my mistake.

M is still having serious problems with his neck. He was supposed to meet us for lunch on Thursday near the city, but we’re going to have to go to him instead. The amount of pain he’s been in has been greater than usual since his drive at the end of January, but this week it seems to be particularly bad. It’s awful to begin with but he’s also feeling bad for the terrible timing, too. I’m just trying to be understanding and supportive. Hopefully something improves before we try to have a nice weekend together.

There isn’t much of a plan for tomorrow, but Wednesday The Odd Lady and I are meeting up with Bird Guy who I haven’t seen in person since 2019. That was a whole thing…

Good night.

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