Out and About in Pictures

  • March 18, 2022, 11:30 a.m.
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  • Public

Here is just a round up of things I have come across in the last few weeks.

I was downtown one day and the Lyric Opera House had this sign up.


Saw this guy in a Walgreen’s parking lot.


The 3 eyed fish is Blinky from The Simpsons.


I went to Lincoln Park Conservatory and saw this little guy just hanging out.


This sign.


I’m guessing this is for an escape room, but I don’t know.


A couple of weeks ago I went out of town for my nephew’s birthday. My mom and I went for a drive in the country and tracked this down. It’s a marker forcwhere Charles Lindbergh survived 1 out of his 4 plane crashes. 2 of his crashes were not far from my hometown.


And back in Chicago. The dimensions on this are huge. I couldn’t fit the whole thing in frame.





J.E. March 19, 2022

I'll take the bar, keep your real life.

sudare March 22, 2022

It’s good to hear you are getting back to the previous normal life gradually.

Jinn March 25, 2022

Good pictures ! I did not know Lindbergh crashed four times !

Ferret Mom Jinn ⋅ March 25, 2022

That's how he got the nickname Lucky Lindy.

Jinn Ferret Mom ⋅ March 25, 2022

I wondered ! He really was kind of a jerk. The more I read about him, the less I liked him :-(

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