Fly By in Pictures

  • Dec. 6, 2021, 1:45 p.m.
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  • Public

I’ve had plenty going on lately and but it seems like for the last couple of weeks I haven’t been writing out entries when things actually happen.

Here are some pictures from things I never wrote about. One day I went to the aquarium. This woman’s job is to clean the rocks while the sharks just go about their day, swimming all around her. Huh. The sharks have a maid. I wonder how much money she makes. I wonder if she likes her job. I wonder if the sharks’ maid ever participates in Take Your Daughter To Work Day. I have so many questions now.





Here’s something else I never wrote about. One day recently I worked in an overnight visit to my mom’s. I went so I could take her out to eat for her birthday.

At one point I asked my mom to take some pictures of me next to a giant sign. It wasn’t until later I realized she had failed to include the sign in a single picture, so all I have are a bunch of pictures of me doing this with no context. Enjoy.






ConnieK December 06, 2021

You don't fool us. We know you like to disco out in the woods! :)

ConnieK December 06, 2021

Oh, and I always thought the best job was driving a small tractor on the beach at sunrise (well, okay, I'm not much for mornings) to clear away seaweed/debris and smooth the sand. My girlfriend and I would walk the beach and contemplate how to steal her job!

Ferret Mom ConnieK ⋅ December 06, 2021

That would also be a vool.job.

music & dogs & wine December 06, 2021

I love the "sign" pictures. #nailedit

Jinn December 07, 2021

I want the shark lady’s job :-)
Looking good in those sign pictures !!

Ferret Mom Jinn ⋅ December 07, 2021


J.E. December 08, 2021


Leanne 🌈 December 09, 2021

Loving them moves under that sign LMFAO!

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