I feel the whole
"perfect job
The perfect wage packet
The perfect home
The perfect car
The perfect holidays
The perfect family
The perfect image and figure"

Is well behind us... Or maybe it's because I've gotten older and I never cared. I remember in the early 2000s, everyone was like that though. Everyone was materialistic. And wanted the big house, fancy cars, etc. Just like HOLLYWOOD, but I think after 2008 when the housing market crashed in the US, people started thinking different. People were trying to survive and I think since 2016, Hollywood doesn't have as good of an influence on the people than they once had. People absolutely hate Hollywood, especially after all the sexual misconduct that was hidden for years finally coming to light, and then of course the awful movies they create. A lot of people have woke up, you'd be surprised. People just want a simple, no drama-filled life nowadays. You probably aren't as different as you think you are.