NoJoMo2020 #2 - Your thoughts on 2020 in Surveys

  • Nov. 2, 2020, 5:12 a.m.
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Your thoughts on 2020.

2020 can die in a hole.

Look, it was fucking scary when it started. An invisible virus was fucking KILLING people, apparently. We “locked down” for a few months. It was like something from a movie. We gradually reopened again over periods of time. I know I’m talking in past tense but it is obviously still around. My shitty supermarket job was suddenly considered an “essential service” and we were pushed to the limits (literally - stock limits!) by rude, arrogant customers panic-buying. Whenever we actually DID manage to get toilet paper in, I had to stash it so I could sneak it to little old ladies who just couldn’t get any (like everyone else!). Thank God for seniors hour, but even then they could barely get what they needed. It was horrible, but I never lost my job over it, never needed Jobseeker/keeper and got annoyed at people getting handed free cash by the government while I had to go deal with rude, upset people each day just to be paid less than what others were getting to sit at home. But - perspective. I still had a job. These people didn’t. It was scarier for them. My state handled it really well and we were able to resume life pretty much back to normal by July. My state’s borders are still closed to “hotspot areas” and travel outside my state still seems a bit vulnerable, let alone the country. It’s now a “new normal”. I didn’t like most people anyway, so socially distancing isn’t an issue lol. People pretty much are how they were pre-Covid here, just with business regulations in place, signing in to venues, contact tracing etc etc. You know how it all works.
Seeing how vastly different it’s been for so many different people worldwide has been eye-opening. People getting pissed off at people not wearing masks in public has been big. I haven’t had to wear a mask YET. I have one, but haven’t felt the need to use it. Our government didn’t make them mandatory, only an option. My workplace, and on public transport, or anywhere I don’t feel like I can socially distance safely is a “recommendation”. But if I lived elsewhere, things would be completely different. Obvi. I’m just in a right place at a right time, and anything can change quickly. I’m thankful we haven’t had to go through what Melbourne has, or the UK going back into lock-down today. There will probably be riots. Humans being cooped up for that long will be fed-up and revolt. I only had two months of it and even then I was considered ‘essential’ so was still going to work and back. Exercising in my tiny room was shit though and my mental health suffered because of the whole thing.
I definitely don’t want to go through 2020 again though. It was too distressing.

Last updated November 11, 2020

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