Camdengirl ⋅ 45

Entries 29

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Okay I have two for this... and one is slightly cheating because I put the music in the film!!! So first one: I love th...

Okay this is a fairly obscure one - it's a song from my uni days which was relentlessly played in our fave nightclub... The club was one of those places where you'd walk in on a Friday night and ...

Okay - there have been many very massive parties in my life but it's actually rather unusual for me to remember any of them. There have been swanky corporate dos where they hired the Natural His...

I had a silly idea in the car the other day whilst shuffling through my ipod which is full of really random stuff... It ranges from stuff I go running with, to things I use when I'm lecturing on ...

Books 2

19 Entries

11 Entries