
Entries 188

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In my opinion this is one of the finest performances ever held at the Center. Not only is the song incredibly famous, this arrangement and the collective of performers cannot be topped. The Wilso...

Spent many an hour with my grandparents watching the Grand Ole Opry on TV. This is a fantastic example of why. I still love the Opry. Enjoyed the movie.

Kirk Franklin moves me at times. I love all genres of music, especially when it is about the Lord.

I still turn to this for prayer when words fail me. Grateful to the person who shared it with me when I was still so, so young.

One of the coolest musical creations on earth. I swear!

This song starts running in my head about Oct 15th of every year. It's the anthem of those who love the great outdoors, especially my homeland, the same way I do. This is one of those songs that ...

I aspire to live this, daily. Though I fail miserably the good Lord continues to renew and keep me.

Giving away my age telling of the music that holds my history.

Classic. Who didn't love this song in its time? Maybe it was the gypsy in the old me, and the woman who had a passion for a good ride on the back of a decent dudes bike. Funny thing is it brings...

I never understand why but this song tugs at me.

Somebody left a note saying they really liked this one. By mistake I posted this in a different book, when I transferred it I lost the note. Hope that person comes back again. It was a pretty coo...

As a very young child this song became one engrained in my soul. Mr. Alan Jackson does a lovely job expressing it the way I feel it.

A short collection of the places most near and dear to my heart. These were all fly-by photos as my trip home was so short. I shot over a 1,000 photos on that trip. Someday I need to make a video... A special sharing of music with a friend one night resulted in this becoming part of my collection. My heart is touched when I listen. I miss that person and the mus...

With a wide smile on his face Charlie asked me, “Did I ever tell you about my first girlfriend?” I returned the smile, wondering what prank he had in mind this afternoon. Next to him was standin...

Up and off to the lab for blood work first thing today but ended up having to go to the hospital for the draw. One test had to be put on ice and shipped out immediately, fortunately both faciliti... In my time parents fussed about "sex education" being taught in the schools. All we learned was from stick figure drawings of our body parts and heard of the horrors ...

Made my appointment, prepared with all the latest lab work to hand over, not really knowing what to expect, trying not to expect anything but being clear-minded enough to maintain a rational conv...

March 25, 2014

Early in Meeting Mr. Jesus Christ

Received a call from THE doctor. My May 1st appointment has been moved up to first thing tomorrow morning. I'm guessing the first round of blood work pushed the process forward a bit, which is a ...

Today was full of short chats with people, unplanned "hey, how are you" kind of visits. Nice to catch up with folks of course. As the day closes out I've been thinking there was a theme lingering...

World Vision President Richard Stearns told Christianity Today that his organization, one of America's largest Christian charities, will be changing its employment policies with regard to LGBT in...

March 23, 2014

Today in Meeting Mr. Jesus Christ

Nice services and studies at church today. I'm not sure what got into the pastor but he carried on with church for nearly an hour and a half, enjoyable for me. Seems his usual "get them out the d...

I have been crucified with Christ . . . —Galatians 2:20 The inescapable spiritual need each of us has is the need to sign the death certificate of our sin nature. I must take my emotional opinio... Shhh....can you hear the rain, feel the warm, slightly sticky air, smell the mustiness of the swamp? Among the frog and cricket songs, off in the distance I am lulle...

Books 4

5 Entries

145 Entries

42 Entries

15 Entries